i want the fun couch coop games because i have people i love and i want to play them games with them. Where are them cool couch coop inovative games, in whoose dream do they sleep.

sometimes when you're young, you make decisions without giving a lot of tought, and without any sort of guidance or orientation. life is an experience that will give you some jeepers every now and then, and the things you decide to do to yourself - do not be fooled - š­š”šžš² š°š¢š„š„ š›šž š©šžš«š¦ššš§šžš§š­, and will mark or scar you in some way or another, forever, maybe showing up again to haunt your memories only several years down the line. š²šØš® šœššš§š§šØš­ šžš«ššš¬šž š°š”ššš­ š”ššš©š©šžš§šžš. all it needs to come back is you remembering it, even, barely, a little, and then its there again.
now why the fuck did i decided, in 2011, to not only play, but also to beat this shit game. did i thought i had all the time in the world? that i wouldnt grow older and remember that i played it? now i can never erase that. i did this to myself.
i have to live with it and learn to not repeat the same kind of mistake again.

A remix of the first game. Entire new systems were grafted, glued on top of Breath of the Wild. The physics simulation and interactios were remade. A beautiful sky was created just for you. The sound design and soundtrack are flawless.

This game is very worth it; of course its not revolutionary like its imediate predecessor - but, along with the gameplay changes, the development of the emotional story that they made in this one is spectacular.

ten years later, I catch myself asking, how did a damned hewlett-packard looserbook, with an intel core i3 and 4gb ram, managed to ran this game????? In 2014???? Not to mantion that it also ran NEW VEGAS, and that I played both of theese games to complete oblivion, dozens and dozens, maybe more than a hundred hours, until it was done, with no stone left unturned. Crazy times.

played around its year of release. great game, very neat. didint know about immersive sims back then.

Armored Core in my room by 2016, emulated, on a looserbook hewlett-packard PC, at the time while I was in University.

eu nĆ£o acredito que encontrei esse jogo

A total work of art. Changed something in me.

the web does not adhere to the buildings.

This review contains spoilers

That time when you raise from your frickin š”±š”¬š”Ŗš”Ÿ and goes ā“‘ā“ā“›ā“›ā“˜ā“¢ā“£ā“˜ā“’ in da church.

too worlds too.
i was struggling to remember what game this was, since my memories smushed it together with gothic iv. and now i just remembered that i also played bound by flame šŸ¤¦. oh my

Nice ps2 action game shooter from 2007, with a bit of a cinematic flair, nothing very crazy.
Played on the Nathan Drake Collection, on the ps4.

I can't imagine what people were expecting from it before its release by the folks who made the edgy mess that is Jak II, or what would happen when the next game descended on us like a train falling from an airplane, forever shaping the medium. I'll think about 2007's Uncharted when i'm playing Forspoken.

The funny thing is that Iā€™m pretty sure this game had some its plot and aesthetics stolen in the making of 'Fools Gold', a movie released the following year; and in turn, even funnier, eventually they stole back from the movie and put some of it on the 4th game. Fools Gold (2008), with Mhatthew Mhacghonhaughey, is a better Uncharted movie than the actual Uncharted movie. Now that's some crazy business.