44 reviews liked by echhechh

I died more on torrent than the boss fights

Awesome game, the peak of stealth games. Love everything about this game, the ambience, the setting, the level design... Probably my favorite game of all time!

Hard to get into, but once you do, this is a masterpiece!

A true classic, this game is peak!

Amazing game, the only part I found a bit lackluster was act 3, it was okay but not nearly as good as the previous acts

Unsettling ambiance, which is what I love about this series, James Sunderland is bae

Depressing and horrible, this game is so well made, it always makes you feel miserable when you play it.

Weirdly enough, I liked this one more than DOS2, maybe because it's kinda goofier?

This has been the peak of Persona, very engaging story, the dungeons can get quite repetitive towards the end, but you can edit the difficulty to get extra XP if you don't want to sit and grind.

Not gonna lie, I got really lost my first playthrough, but I managed to get through it, fantastic experience