Fantastic, addicting gameplay that will hook you almost instantly. Plot is extremely stupid and skippable.

Actual for real the best game ever made


Best game ever made until Doom Eternal came out.

The only good Rockstar game and i'm willing to die on this hill.

Just a perfect game, in any which way you look at it.
I'll even defend the gunplay, WHICH I REALLY LIKE.

What can i even say about this game that hasn't been said?
That the final levels are kind of weak but the game in itself is a masterpiece with one of the best campaigns and most beautifully unique aesthetics to ever be put into a game?
Yeah, that's kind of been said.

Calling Garry's Mod a game is just a huge disservice.
This sandbox has delivered so many iconic, fun, and unforgettable memories for everyone that has even visited the internet for more than half an hour, that it's no point trying to seriously try and sit down to explain its everlasting impact.

Perfect in every detail.
Perfect ambiance, perfect combat, perfect puzzles, perfect tension, impeccable level design, excellent and unique art-style that's still recognizable to this day, and a perfectly simple plot told through the most brilliant way possible for the medium of video games.
The only thing that sets it back from total perfection are the horrid 2 unnecessary levels that come before it's excellent final boss.

Some of the most addicting fun yet frustrating due to my own lack of skill I've ever had in a multiplayer shooter.
Once you really become used to the clash between the typical Counter-Strike affair and the introduction of individual powers that each character haves, Valorant reveals itself to be a pretty interesting take on the CS-like F2P shooter.

This review was written before the game released

Overwatch 2 is one of those games where the gameplay is pretty much impeccable.
It's just a Source Engine Magic-less TF2, where all the charisma and fun of screwing around with a simple set of rules is removed to tie everything down to its more MOBA-like pacing.
It should work extremely well, if not for the mediocre EVERYTHING that surrounds the gameplay itself.
The map design is pretty hit-or-miss, the balancing is somewhat wonky, with characters like Sojourn or Mei being some of the most frustrating to play against, the gunplay is pretty weak, the progression and personalization is extremely predatory, the battle pass turns unlocking heroes into a somewhat Pay-2-Win mechanic, and the matchmaking is absolutely horrid and punishes players for winning.
And not only that, in regards to the potential Overwatch franchise itself, this game is somewhat of a step down when it comes to features and quality-of-life changes, removing features from the previous game for no reason at all, making a mess out of the shared inventory between the two games, replacing systems that were then hated and now dearly missed due to their replacements being so much worse (R.I.P loot boxes), it also breaks features for no reason at all? Like the "On Fire" indicator being removed from the hud but the voice lines are still present?
Plus, it doesn't even deliver on what was promised. Basic things like the weapon inspect and the most alarmingly missing feature, the main justification for this unneeded sequel's existence: The campaign.
OW2 is already on its second season, it's been 4 months since this game's launch, and it's yet nowhere to be seen.
But I'll be damned if OW2 is not a fun time with friends when it works, and the matchmaking doesn't force you to play against Top 500-tier players for no reason at all.