67 Reviews liked by eric99333

This game has a character called Kiwi which says: "Kiwi!" and dances while you brutally murder them by stomping.

camera sucks dick, it's a really cool game besides that though :)

This is one of the most PS2 feeling PS1 games out there, all it's missing is dual analog controls

Great movement, great art style, good music and interesting levels.
Yet it also has a janky unreliable combat system which you are sometimes forced to use and it has a generic and bland story.
It's still great overall.

Mein Vergil Run, hat mich das Spiel halt noch mehr lieben lassen

The Tails parts are very boring and I struggled with the Knuckles Pyramid level but overall a decent game.
Edit: I just remebered that the Dark story had the exact same mechanics as the hero story which is also very disappointing.
They basically copied the hero story and changed the levels

Really fun game, i liked it alot c:

Pokémon Snap was one of the first N64 games I’ve ever played. It came packed alongside Pokémon Stadium and a special Pikachu edition N64.
I have very fond memories and remember loving how expressive the models were compared to the sprites on the gameboy games.
Im glad that I could replay this game. Its really short but definitely worth your time. It is full of personality.


Das Spiel ist halt echt perfekt, so keine Ahnung

CSGO never had lag this bad

Good thing that it's free. It's unfortunately kind of a mess. Also isn't balanced well it's inconsistent and messy it reminds me of the critical mode from kingdom hearts 3. But not everything is bad about the update. Music was amazing, the story actually was alright did it's job better than the original ending and the new cyberspace stages were really fun too. The Highlight obviously was the final boss itself but yeah it's kinda messy too and sometimes unintuitive. However I still really enjoyed the boss fight my inner seven year old sonic fan saw a cool super sonic boss fight and for me especially that's enough. I almost forgot the playable character they are alright they are lacking in some parts and they actually not that fun but I am still happy that we have some I hope Sonic team takes the criticism of the update to heart. They are almost there to make a great sonic game that most people can enjoy the update is hard but sometimes the challenge was fun too and not just frustrating or annoying.

very unique and novel concept
bowser finally has a menacing design and its accompanied by a really cool boss theme