Story is pretty sappy, but the level design and movement are phenomenal

Pretty funny dialogue at times and a great soundtrack. The combat system isn't used well outside of the genocide route where the 2 boss fights are actually interesting, which in turn hurt the themes of that route. Not much to say about the pacifist route since it's just a bunch of pretty uninteresting characters that all follow very similar story beats.

new vegas with none of the nuance

another entry into the series that is just semi-cool action set-pieces with awful, trite writing

a not terrible snes game. controls are alright, but the level design is mostly mediocre and the encounters are pretty boring too. music is good though.

A game full of jank and enemy spam. Wasn't bothered by the fact that the world isn't interconnected, but it feels lazily put together. DS2 does have some decent additions to the series like power stancing and how much build variety there is, but it's all held back by having way more bosses than DS1, that also somehow manage to be even worse. Have to give credit where it's due though. Majula is second to none when it comes to central hubs in the series; it just exudes its atmosphere perfectly.

don't think the world evokes the same wonder and awe you'll get at the beginning from ds1 and it is a bit too referential to previous entries, but the (mostly) great boss design and clean, refined combat make up for it.

just play kh2 final mix instead

bland open world with button mashing combat. only thing the game has going for it is the (admittedly very cool)nemesis system.

a game full of pretty action set-pieces with nothing else to offer.

Best main cast in kiseki. Old class 7 still drags the game down by a lot , but the new characters (juna in particular is a highlight of the game) and altina make up for it. Rean is finally an interesting character instead of generic light novel protag and the soundtrack contains some of the best songs in the series