Though not as uncompromising in regards to gameplay as I had wished for, Hellblade II delivers a strong and engaging narrative through the singular most impressive audiovisual achievement thus far in this generation.


I have the sense that I'm supposed to dislike this game more than I actually do. The story is underwhelming, the lockpick minigame gets more annoying as the game progresses, AI is straight up confusing at times... there are lot of things you can point out that work against the experience. But I still found it to be oddly enjoyable. Part of it, I assume, is because I've not played any of the other Thief games. In a bubble it is not the type of experience I'd ever recommend anyone at any point to come back to or even consider going through for the first time, but it's not like I felt miserable playing this. So maybe that counts for something.

Good atmosphere with somewhat janky but punchy combat. Not particularly scary but I did find the sound design to be very well realized, and very strange but I like the way the flashlight works in this game. Unsure how to elaborate further on that, just play it and you'll notice the difference from most games.

Cry of Fear is a horror experience that is engaging and frustrating in equal measure, but absolutely worth getting through.

Tyranny's uninteresting combat fails to detract from its successes in world building, art direction and sense of agency. Or, to kill or not to kill a baby

Well designed successor to the original BioShock that improves on its gameplay elements in every way. It's, unfortunately, also a very poor remastering effort on PC with crashes galore.

aloth I love you.... ueoueoueoeuo 😭

competent and (mostly) engaging game with a story that is not quite interesting until it picks up a bit after the halfway point, just to drop the ball and never attempt to do anything particularly interesting. love the two new characters though!

Turn 10 is washed 💔💔💔💔

easy top 5 (FORMER) xbox exclusive of the 9th gen. I love you peppermint and korsica

that's the good stuff. it's quite simple all throughout, but it never stops feeling engaging and slightly clever. quite a fan of the art direction in here

solid experience and overall prefer to Fallout 4, but very lacking in the quest department outside of Entangled and the Ryujin questline imho

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Caspar inflicted irreparable damage to my mental health