176 Reviews liked by evilresident

I miss the glory days of this game so goddamn much.

really great atmosphere, really difficult controls. kind of an underrated masterpiece in spite of that - i was surprised by how much they did in this game and how memorable some of the levels are for coming out in 1996. it goes a lot further than you think it does. the controls also start to make a strange sort of sense after a certain point, but you can't approach them in the same way as contemporary 3D games.

playing Tomb Raider 2 (dear lord) after also made me realize how much restraint this game has by comparison.

I had fun with this season. The story missions may not have been up to par with the original vision, but the fact that they're here is a game changer, as it's one of the biggest factors that differentiate this game from Overwatch 1. I played the Underworld event and thought the mission was great. The $15 DLC also seemed worth it with the amount of content present. It's a step in the right direction for Overwatch 2. We love to see it.

James Sunderland is literally me

That moment when the series that inspired Resident Evil gets a remake inspired by the Resident Evil remakes

coming from someone who does not really like horror, this is one of my favourite horror games. i will forgive all of its scary aspects and things that made me uncomfortable in favour of being obsessed with this game. i am a huge fan of otome and dating sims so it was something id be interested in anyway! and then it hit me with amazing characters, great music, and unique gameplay. the way it takes a visual novel setting and breaks it ever so slightly is so genius, i cant stop thinking about it. while i strongly recommend it, there are some aspects of this game that arent for everyone so i do suggest reading a trigger warning list before jumping in! ♡

such a fun game, im obsessed with it! the horror factor is doubled considering i also live in the remote canadian wilderness, much of the scenery is what my home looks like for over six months of the year. the characters are all very enjoyable, even if you only enjoy hating them, and the aesthetic is perfect ♡

the best splatoon experience! ♡ one of my favourite games of all time, definitely worth every hour spent on it. pearl and marina are the best idols in the franchise, splatfests had the best vibe, story mode was difficult but fun, and the ink had glitter in it! genuinely, what more could you want? ♡

these characters are Very hit or miss. i either love them (laura, abigail, kaitlyn) or i despise them (jacob. jacob). this is horrible when im supposed to want them to make it through the night alive, but in this case i didnt care if a few were lost along the way. i wish the monsters looked more like their name suggests and less like they were ripped right out of until dawn. overall not a terrible game but it definitely could have had some improvements!

i love you mr. midnight. i love you itward. i love you fran bow

blueprint for survival horror i fear

Would've been a 100 star if they just kept the presentation from the first chapter throughout the whole game. I want to punch the card youtuber guy in the face.

can she climb those fucking ropes ANY slower

kinda not in the mood for puzzles rn so im gonna shelve it, but it seems like a great game

i don’t know how they made one of the greatest survival horror games of all time even better, improved gameplay mechanics and story/character wise made more sense (we got more of a back story of how leon became an DSO Agent) . expanded on the current lore whilst adding new monsters, improved krausers knife fight, making it seem more than just QTE.. i felt Ashley was more difficult than the original which is good, because id just hid her and call her when i cleared out everyone. Though a major improvement from the original, the chapters were embedded perfectly. it did remove some of leons iconic lines which would stand up for the original but id say its more fitting for leons character in the remake timeline to behave as he did.