this game is really cool!! and you can play it in your browser.

i love these fellas
i remember seeing them for the first time in that sonic racing game on the wii lol.
fun game too, check it out on fightcade

the combo system has finally clicked for me and it feels insanely intuitive. played it on game pass so i don't have all the dlc characters, but even the basic characters are ridiculously fun to play. i might have to buy the full thing....

such a comfy game. feels like throwing on a tv show before bed. loved it

these turtles sure are fun to play as! looks like i need to play the snes version too

decided to check this out to try out pyron, donovan, and huitzil and ended up beating the whole arcade mode instead. it's entirely understandable why vsav is played more frequently than this sequel with the removal of certain characters, tweaking of established game mechanics, etc.; though that doesn't mean i enjoyed playing it any less. huitzil and pyron feel fantastic and the combat flows just like vsav should.

possibly my new favorite fighting game? it feels like my favorite is constantly changing, but this is probably my favorite street fighter at the moment.

this game feels absolutely insane to play. like i've gotta watch some professional matches of this because you can do incredibly cool stuff and rack up tons of damage by, seemingly, just mashing buttons and doing standard fgc inputs. it's absolutely wild and i've gotta bust this out sometime with friends. gonna be playing this one a whole lot more.

you're gonna want to bust out the ol game genie for this one (SKVTTSVK for infinite lives lol) because it's reallll tough, which would typically not be my kinda jam. however, gimmick OWNS so hard that it was worth retrying parts of each level over and over again, seeing what little secrets i could find by bouncing the star off a wall and going wherever it takes me. gimmick's character and enemy designs are so darn cute and the level and backgrounds are ridiculously detailed, making this feel like it could've come out today. i loved this! im gonna have to smoke some more 8-bit games because i've been missing out (dragon quest 1 review soon....).

i legitimately couldn't have messed up worse than i did in the last two chapters lol, but had a great time playing through with my partner regardless.

one of my favorites in the series, but there is no way i am beating that final boss

i legitimately cannot believe how well this game plays, even in comparison to the other releases in the series (that i've played). ray is my boy. fighter's history may have single handedly convinced me that snes fighters are worth my time, and not just inferior ports of arcade titles.

a simple, fun beat em up with really heavy and satisfying combat —yet i felt the actual amount of damage done was a bit less than i’d like. this makes the (admittedly, disappointing) boss fights more difficult than they should be. there’s so much potential in this game, and i think that’s why it feels a bit more lacking than usual. i still recommend checking it out tho

the first 2d beat em up i've ever fully played through, and it was great! challenging, satisfying combat, combined with a very generous checkpoint system, creates a really great experience. loved it!

enjoyed it just as much as i thought i would. a truly lovely experience.