games i really wanna like but cant get into em for whatever reason

consider this a cry for help more than anything

(progress: idk, floor 20 or so?)
i dont mind the idea of proc-gen dungeons so much in d1 since it felt focused around attrition more than the minutiae of the layouts themselves, and i really like the game being wholly centred around progression through a single dungeon. but man i feel like they forgot to put the game in. feels like the entire game is just "walk away and press the attack button" - d2 felt the same with a little extra flourish but people love that one, so am i just missing something? would love to love this but it feels like im better off just playing shadow tower or something
(progress: end of day 1, didn't really achieve anything but i presume that's fairly normal)
its so much easier to heap praise onto it than try to reason why i cant get into it, it feels like one of those rare gems where every mechanic and situation is deliberately placed instead of just putting stuff in to fill space or because other games do it. if theres anything i can point to that might be putting me off it might be how aimless it feels at the start but i ended day 1 with some leads i wanna chase and i still can't force myself to actually open the game
(progress: got to great bay)
dude when this game is being majora's mask it's so so good, and there's some really understated moments that stuck with me even for a game i dropped halfway through. but when it's being the legend of zelda i just can't get with it. i feel like zelda games just "aren't for me" at this point, though i don't even know why cause there's nothing particular about it that i dislike either. just doesn't really get much out of me. i'm okay writing off all the other zelda games but this was a sad one to split off from
(progress: either 18 parts on day [something] or 20 something parts on day 18, idk. i was pretty far in)
feel like i'd be so into this if i played it as a kid. dont mean that in a derogatory way, but if i knew the layouts by heart i think i'd have a blast replaying over and over doing things as fast as possible (rts kid reporting), but i felt like the moment to moment was a little dull as a first time experience as an adult? atmosphere, time limit and the pikmin dumbass ai are all awesome, just wish i found it a little more engaging
(progress: i went into the second area once and died)
i think the rain world that people describe is really fascinating, however the rain world that i played kind of just felt like i was running around and sometimes dying, it wasn't really eliciting *anything* in me, let alone the sort of things ppl praise it for. maybe it gets more interesting if you get further in but i stepped into the second area once, died to the rain because i missed a jump and the game told me i need to do chores again if i wanna give it another go
(progress: the beach/water world, this was around launch so take the stuff i say with a lil pinch of salt)
i have a really weird relationships with platformers, a further weird relationship with 3d platformers, and further still with collectathons. super mario is full of wahoo yippee joy and i feel like this is the most joyous of them all. i even like the platforming the most out of all the 3d platformers ive played! but i get to a certain point and i feel like im running around looking for random moons hidden in Places and not really doing much cool platforming and it feels a little bad
(progress: somewhere near the end? this was a while ago)
i have a nasty relationship with metroid because i love the idea of it, being dropped into this alien world and having to pick it apart and figure out without any guidance, but i havent liked any of the metroid games ive actually played. i think its the really explicit lock-and-key design with how the world's segmented with Coloured Doors that you open with Missiles that kinda takes me out of it. but then again im still interested in prime so who knows!


4 months ago

for DE i had a lot of trouble getting into it at first as well, kept dropping it after the first 30 to 40 minutes. eventually figured out a set up that let me lay back and play it with a controller until it sunk its teeth into me, and that worked for me. like the opening minutes of DE are anything but boring, but i think it's when you get to a point of understanding why you're playing the game is when it takes off, whether that's pursuing leads or just experiencing everything the game has to offer. for me, it was getting more intimate with Martinaise, and making it to a few of the really interesting NPCs that color DE's experience and make you wanna see more of it. the game really takes you to places (metaphorically speaking) that you wouldn't expect just from the opening minutes/hours

super metroid and pikmin 1 are def like, games you either fuck with or don't, but they do get better the more you play them. mario odyssey is kinda just a dopamine delivery system, and i really love it personally, but there's a reason it's kinda contentious in the broader gaming community. def don't feel bad for dropping it, it really doesn't change that significantly from the beginning to end, it's kinda more an aesthetic experience that you fuck around in than a must-play god-tier platforming title imho

4 months ago

me and u rain world haters for life <3
Majora, Super, Pikmin and Odyssey 😢. Funnily enough, I'd put Xenoblade X on this list for me. I hate disliking the Xenoblade game's besides the 1st one but they're just not for me I guess

4 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 xenoblade x speaks to a lot of my very weird preferences (despite me not liking open world games??) so as much as i like it i really cant fault anyone for not getting along with it lol. feel you on the others though, love xc1 but 2 is certainly a videogame and 3 just didn't really hook me despite putting quite a bit of time in

@moschidae sisters in arms 💪

@theia i tried playing it on switch at first so i could play it more comfortably in handheld but it didn't run very well and (unsurprisingly) didn't play very well, and my executive dysfunction is pretty bad specifically for playing pc games which doesnt help either. i might try to get myself into a rhythm once my semester starts and see if it can get its hooks around me. i didnt know that odyssey was a contentious title tbh, and see i like the sound of a fuck-around vibes sort of platformer so maybe there's something else out there that'll scratch the itch, not too knowledgeable on this stuff

4 months ago

the amount I want to like metroid is only matched by how much I didn't vibe with super metroid or fusion. hoping prime will be where it all clicks for me when I get around to it

4 months ago

@faea yeah i have the same executive dysfunction with games on pc when im just sitting at a desk, especially crpgs or anything else dialogue heavy. and mario odyssey's contentious in that botw way i think, maybe a lil less extreme, but i know moons as a reward can be too granular/unfulfilling for a lot of people. a kind of fuck-around-ish platformer i might recommend based off what you've played/haven't played and what you seem to like is maybe pseudoregalia? tho that one might be more contentious than any mario game tbh, but it's def the most interesting game of that ilk that i can think of without resorting to older games like spyro 1 and mario 64. pseudoregalia kinda unfortunately has that rain world thing going on with it where if it doesn't end up clicking, it seems to fall really, really flat for people
@curse if you didnt like super then you might not like prime considering it's pretty similar to super only in 3d (which is probably why it's my 2nd favorite after super)

4 months ago

I wasn't entirely repulsed by it, but it really didn't click on first stab. in particular I didn't enjoy the combat at all, so I'm hoping the swap to first person rectifies that enough that I can appreciate the exploration and level design (which I can admit are very cool in super, tho fusion left me cold even there)

4 months ago

Diablo and its ilk are pretty much walking around and attacking. its just cheap shots of feel good brain juice that you are a walking murder machine and constantly making numbers go up (money/loot/xp). I love story games, but you can be sure that I will skip all dialogue in a ARPG and just start killing beasties.

4 months ago

@snigglegros yeah I played d3 way back and thought it was fun enough for what it was (though i couldnt see myself playing d3 or d4 nowadays), I just felt like d1 and d2 were a liiittle dry when i tried them. but it's hard to tell if i just didn't give em enough time, especially d2 with how much ppl seem to love that one

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