5 reviews liked by flamboyge

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I cannot stand this game but it has helped me realize how much good characters can make or break a game for me, apart from Trench, Darling, Alan and Ahti I felt as much of a attachment to every character as I would a generic NPC in Mass Effect 1(including the main character). Also the game feels like its trying so hard to tell me its whacky and crazy but it really doesn't feel that whacky or crazy, like a white woman in her mid 40's trying to show her kids she's the cool Mum by trying to do a small jump on a scooter while making a silly face only to fall over. I'm glad its done and I can move onto the game I actually am excited for.

Hottest take fucking hate this game mid combat, mid levels, dog shit weapons and an incoherent story. Even though I hate this franchise I still feel sorry about how it ended, I don’t know what the LGBT did to Kamiya to piss him off like that.

Devil May Cry for straight dudes.

Peak Souls, genuine masterpiece that has yet to be replicated in any other game. Avoid the remake.

An amazing game that i can't bring myself to like.

I was so excited to play it but i think i was not made to like CRPGs. My mixed feelings about Divinity Original Sin 1 and Disco Elysium should have been a clear sign. I always play games trying to make the best playthrough possible, and thats not how a game like BG3 works. You will fail, you will lose quests, people will die, and so on. I pressed F8 more than any other keybind. There are almost infinite ways of playing and the game wants you to replay again and again.

The first 10 hours were enjoyable, but my interest steadily decreased. Eventually, I lost the motivation to explore and progress, to the point where I stopped reading and carefully selecting options.

Perhaps, someday, playing with friends and adopting a less perfectionist playstyle i can try again. For now, the 26 hours I spent playing made me wish I was doing anything else.