Finally, Hideo Kojima can peacefully go back into cryo-stasis until the universe needs him again.

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RIP to that owl that probably burned to death along with the rest of your inventory

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"Snake, get in the truck on the far right"

top 10 anime betrayals

everytime I hit the Nitro switch and find out one box still isn't broken, a small piece of my soul shatters and breaks apart in it's place

gotta say, this village has got to be one of the worst Airbnb's I've ever done

If you press the left shoulder button during codec conversations, it makes Raiden shout really mean things for some reason.

You know how dogs pee when they get excited?

I wish David Hayter was my dad

i wish mason lindroth was my dad

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adol decides he doesn't like evolution, so he kills it

this game doesn't even take place on the Demon Turf

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The main villain of this game ends up getting decked in the face by a gorilla

10/10 why does this game have a jumpscare in it

I once tried putting my milk outside a bag of milk but I just ended up making a huge mess

all the online time trial records are less than a second because Nintendo didn't realize that their timer starts counting again from zero if you wait long enough