It's a bunch of dialogue-heavy side quests in a trench coat, but damn that's a fine trench coat. Kinda feels like Outer Wilds or Majora's Mask with romans, so pretty fucking raw.

Great vn, at least the second half. I'm just sad this didn't blow my mind, I think I grew insensitive to the bombardment of tragedies, which is a shame because I probably would have enjoyed the last two chapters way more otherwise. Nice ending, but some things about the last chapter I just don't buy, sorry.

Entertaining, not much to say, I wish it exploited more of the Umineko stuff

Music is fire, Midgar looks incredible, seeing these characters with modern graphics is cool as hell, even some new ideas are kinda interesting... this game could have been great if everything else hadn't been so goddam wrong.

A walking simulator nonsense, a shitshow of unnecessary filler, every fucking thing in this game overstates its welcome, consistency in the whole destiny stuff is conspicuous by its absence, insufferably kingdomheartish cutscenes and dialogues with the subtlety of a brick in the head.

The ethical and political plotline about ecoterrorits fighting a distopic government? Wasted. The Shinra building sequence and the mistery surrounding Sephiroth? Ruined. What we got instead? A hundred scenes of Sephiroth so we don't forget that Nomura fucking loves Sephiroth, I swear it's like a kid showing you a toy that he loves. At least I respect that they altered the story of a cult classic, try to show something decent in the next game.

Same overall opinion as for AITSF: on the positive side I prefer Somnia over escape rooms, on the negative I find the mood of the game too silly goofy. Man, I miss Zero Escape.

Gotta say, the cast of characters and the Somnia has improved since AITSF.

AITSFNI + ZTD spoilers ahead

Sorry, I don't buy "that", it's the ZTD bs all over again. It's too excluded from the narrative for me and I feel like it doesn't really serves a purpose besides an afternote at the end (which isn't that deep anyway). I wish Uchikoshi stopped trying to implement the unreliable narrator trope this way, it just doesn't work. I know that the mistery would be too straightforward without it, but imo arbitrarily obfuscating the narrative as a "puzzle" loses a ton of value if it doesn't provide anything meaningful besides a twist and putting your brain to work for a while.

Lovecraftian fishing, this fucking rocks

The artstyle is raw as hell, but the game is not for me.

Lovecraft + Silent Hill + 2001 + The Thing + bioengineered lesbians

It's literally Dark Souls but in a 2D metroidvania and that's pretty fucking rad.

Not without its healthy level of bullshit.

I won't speak without my lawyer present because this game is a crime

The toast scene is peak R07. Lots of potential, looking forward to the future of this series. Let's check how is phase 2 development going...

Oh... sigh