14 Reviews liked by gamer

all this talk of "optimal combos" and "roman cancels" when you guys don't even maintain a healthy diet!

”What did he do, honey? Lecture you on his theorem of inequality in children’s fighter games?”

Berdley has a Backloggd account.



It Takes Two. It Comes With Two. You Don't Have To Order It Separately. It Takes Two.



Hello everyone! This is my review of the game Sifu! I give this game three and a half out of five stars! I liked it! Thank you for reading!

imagine being the guy that plays this game for 30 hours, experiences the plight of these tragic pseudo-humans, and says "hum, i think i will masturbate to this"

"this game is deep and stuff bro, it says something about the human contidion" I utter as I furiously masturbate to 2B sfm porn

This happened to my buddy Eric

this game does this thing where it's fun for like 45 minutes and then pulls some bullshit room (like the tick tock clock rip-off platforming room) or boss fight (like any of the 3 vergil fights) or something like that that nullifies the entirety of it

also backtracking in an action game is lame

anyways just pull a family guy and watch a funny moments video on youtube, you'll get more out of it

What's this? We're all out of Tiny Toadstools!

i assure you, there is more than one way out of this game!



eighteen round revolver? not very realistic :(