15 Reviews liked by gengar_shiny

Not trying to diss on the Steam version or anything I just think that downloading this as a .zip file from a not-completely-trustworthy site is the best way to experience it.

Feels like taking a peek into the past. The internet as an unknown, vast place full of mysteries. Malware as a cursed unfinished demo game. Like a kid who downloaded a file with things they weren't meant to see.

Having it on Steam and so many information about it breaks the illusion of course, but also adds some more flavor to it. Like revisiting a solved mystery, a completed ARG.

So simple and humble in execution yet so effective in its storytelling. It's silly, but it knows it and doesn't let it get to it, it doesn't go overtly "edgy" in hopes of coming off as a more than it is besides the usual horror tropes pastiche. Better than any meta-horror game that came after it (Daniel Mullins has been trying to make this game for almost 10 years after Undertale released). The closest we'll ever be to an effective creepypasta game.

Only big complaint is the achievements being required to get the ending. At first I hated it because it broke the pace and immersion, but I actually think having to get a "key" to access the heart of the ghost haunting your computer makes sense. It's just the fact that it's completely non-cryptic and on the nose that completely breaks the atmosphere. You're telling me the ghost who messes with my wallpaper and files to toy with me is just telling me to the face the way to get out of this? Silly stuff, the ending more than makes up for it tho. There's no mystery to solve, no story to dig, you'll probably never know what it was that you downloaded. So melancholic, yet so peaceful.

El filtro para saber si te gustan los videojuegos.

Sega si fuera una buena empresa de videojuegos.

Este juego cumplió mi sueño de ser un escarabajo pelotero.

𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩

Los fans de Megaten no tienen amigos.

Me pase a Gael con música de No More Heroes de fondo.



El mejor jefe del juego se llama Bernardo.

Si un gringo opina que Sunshine es el peor Mario, no estoy de acuerdo
Si un gringo habla de lo mal que la paso con el pachinko, ignoro
Si un gringo pierde todas sus vidas en Corona Mountain, me río
Si Mario Sunshine tiene 100 fanáticos, yo soy uno de ellos
Si Mario Sunshine tiene 1 fan, yo soy ese fan
Si Mario Sunshine no tiene a alguien que lo banque, es porque ya no estoy en este mundo

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Dracula = El Mati