36 Reviews liked by girlshaped

i think that the snapjaws did nothing wrong and deserve love. also fuck golgotha

dude im the fuckign warehog

gorgeous and charming game with so so much care put into the minutia of the world and the ui, from the in game wizard tome filled to the brim, to the wonderful city design. ghibli went whole hog with this one. shame that its let down by boring gameplay and a story more generic than this world deserves.



im sorry its basketball.... its not even fun basketball...

perfectly fine game for 14 year olds

genuinely underwhelming, and thoroughly anticlimactic, unsatisfying in a way that is hard to put a finger on, but! fishing :)

i like the cockney elf okay you got me you caught me i like her.

words cant state, just play it, never stop moving

you can make your character very sexy :) and no one can stop you

dude im way too stupid for this game dude



gorgeous gorgeous game, please for the love of god get the fast jetbike parts first oh my god

did someone say the door to darkness - Michael Mouse