Smith, have a minute to share? Killer7 is tragic as shit, if you'd ask me. This guy SUDA51 one day had a wet dream about a conspiracy theory and made that into a game. The sick old man is creative, that's for sure. It's a dirty job, and someone had to do it, man. Guess that's the last chapter. The world is turning weird. And I'm starting to dig it. Piece by piece. And straight up. This place is wack.

The stars know everything. But if I were
a star, I don't think I'd know anything at
all, to be honest.
Guilt? That's not something you should
feel with only a halfhearted understanding
of a situation.
We aren't stars.

the hot samurai twink history revisionist institution is actually more prolific than I thought. Feudal Japan futuristic eboys fight tidal waves of zombie ronins and gargatuan bugs, fixing or changing the timeline of Japan's confusing war history. I've never been one to play musou games, but this one is hardly a musou of its own, working like a simple hack n' slash most of the time. The gameplay is somewhat repetitive and everything besides the fighting is pretty boring, but it's charming. I honestly stayed for the characters and what I could understand of the history.

Because even someone worthless has
at least part of a soul.
That is how people live.
That's what I've finally learned
after living "everyday life"
in this world.
Even without hope, even in
great fear,
even when continuing to drag along
that which no longer has any value,
one can go on living.
Specifically because of our
imperfections, life has meaning.

truth has only one face: that of a violent contradiction.
I feel passionate by this matrix, slowly treading the path of a cold hearted format. At the end of the day, I wanted to be Kamui. Feel that psyche, sharp as a silver knife, an immortal god of destruction in form of Zeitgeist. After all that, who the hell is Akira?

"I thought I heard your words
Now how do I feel?
I still find it so hard.
I'm quite sure that you'll tell me,
Just how I should feel today."


"Do you find this happens all the time?
Crucial point one day becomes a crime."

For the time being, I can't get much from this game. It's beautiful, the game is great, combat is solid. Something inside of me keeps me from liking and playing for hours. But I swear it's good for anyone else.

Never was a huge fan of SnK, but I was really interesting when this came out. Nowadays, I noticed it has some good ideas, but mostly overshadowed by their mistakes. The camera doesn't know what to do in most fights (and I played with keyboard, with those weird ass camera keybind settings just to prove a point), titans tend to clip through walls, making it impossible to kill them without getting hit or losing sob subjugation points. The story is just a retelling of the first four arcs, and parts of the fifth arc, despite how much is just forgotten, like the discovery of Krista's past, but I guess it's because it's mostly narrated through the protagonists view. Honestly, this worked as advertising for the manga, I read it back in the day when it wasn't really stupid and didn't have 15 endings. As a game, it's cool, the movement is great and et cetera. Perhaps playing the online mode might be the interesting. But like most anime games, it's unpolished and feels rushed. At least it isn't a generic mmo fighting game.

Miwashiba is a developer that I hold dear to my heart, always developing stylish games with unique settings. But this one is unfinished, with only chapter being playable, and the last update being from before the pandemic. The developer has a very consistent tweet schedule, so I guess this is a one-shot. I've played a bunch of times, but this time I decided to do it with attention. An old-school style visual novel that oozes passion, mixing Dangaronpa and the Monogatari series. Feels harsh seeing the state this was left as. Guess we'll never know what happened with K.

"Like you said before, we've gotta declare a winner. And if you won't say it... Then allow me. We Win".

At first, it seemed unconceivable to consider a flashier and more stylish game than TWEWY. They fucking did it again. NEO doesn't innovate horizontaly, every concept is taken from what could make the original game even more special, but it's weird to say TWEWY follows a formula. Nothing was all over-the-place; and if it was, you can sense it's made to be this way. The tone is overall more lighthearted, but shares the same intensity, slowly delving into more complex explanations, mind-numbing schemes and pure unpredictable story telling (perhaps not that unpredictable, but I was easily absorbed into the enviroment in the first week of the game). 3 weeks and a lifetime, played in a few days, not even a full week. Worth it. At the end of the day, I did dig those streets, some I'll never actually see in my life. You can feel the pulse there. People's ideas conflicting. Changing. I liked being in the audience. The player, a stargazer. A world began anew within the immortal phoenix of time and space. And by the percentage of the groove, be it zeptogram small even, it was the time for it all to be over. I lack the words to express how much I want a "Jupes" fit, or any of those meals at Hachiko Cafe. Another Day, who knows. I feel relieved. I got what everyone gets. A lifetime.

Everyone deserves a second chance. Except Micah.

From time to time, I go back to this short 10 minute experience and purposely fail. So then, the girl can feel anything besides dread. Disappointment and resentment may help her.

Look at this wretched beast and tell me there is a god.

A harsh stealth game that is very short and extremely punishing. Doesn't manage to entertain all the way through.

The looter shooter. Despite the level cap being guarded by a paywall or being too grindy or too easy, it's my favorite time waster. Can't go wrong with it. On the ending of my second playthrough. Probably going to do the last difficulty and see that guy die all over again.

edit: finished.
motherfucked deserved it. time for ultimate vault hunter.

Repetitive, unresponsive, boring, ugly. Has it all. Expect compelling gameplay.