Finished with Freyr. Was I lucky and full carried by items? Yeah. Do I care? Yeah.

First tried with Njord. He has no business being this fucking stupid. Lovely.

Just finished with Göll. I am overdosing on adrenaline.

"Like you said before, we've gotta declare a winner. And if you won't say it... Then allow me. We Win".

At first, it seemed unconceivable to consider a flashier and more stylish game than TWEWY. They fucking did it again. NEO doesn't innovate horizontaly, every concept is taken from what could make the original game even more special, but it's weird to say TWEWY follows a formula. Nothing was all over-the-place; and if it was, you can sense it's made to be this way. The tone is overall more lighthearted, but shares the same intensity, slowly delving into more complex explanations, mind-numbing schemes and pure unpredictable story telling (perhaps not that unpredictable, but I was easily absorbed into the enviroment in the first week of the game). 3 weeks and a lifetime, played in a few days, not even a full week. Worth it. At the end of the day, I did dig those streets, some I'll never actually see in my life. You can feel the pulse there. People's ideas conflicting. Changing. I liked being in the audience. The player, a stargazer. A world began anew within the immortal phoenix of time and space. And by the percentage of the groove, be it zeptogram small even, it was the time for it all to be over. I lack the words to express how much I want a "Jupes" fit, or any of those meals at Hachiko Cafe. Another Day, who knows. I feel relieved. I got what everyone gets. A lifetime.

Probably my favorite game ever. Hard to do an essay explaining why, but leaving it with a joke review feels disheartening. The World Ends With you recks of 2010s best shenanigans. It didn't age a bit; actually, it helps us breach the tombs of the past. Everything in it is a style chimera that tames the player. As we construct barriers upon our views, we learn that we need to expand our world. The World Ends With Us. Follow your oneself, I'll follow myself.

I remember someone telling me that fascism is a aesthetization of politics. It's a rough definition, but it seems to work here. Now, if you will; would you kindly replay this game?

Concepts were mangled and thrown in a mmo lobby. Expected to work. Didn't.

I've developed a thing for yankii culture, and this is perfect, from the funny special moves to the staring and cussing before a fight.

Rockstar's best game.
Owner of one of the best scenes in gaming, concerning Valdez's interrogation. I guess I'm a mad man.

An intense and creative visual novels that explores greatly Debord's Society of the Spectacle (a bit of a stretch, maybe), and stands with Persona as the franchises that made my coming-of-age renaissance. If it wasn't for the barely disguised fetishes, would've been better. The most simple of the series, and the most charming. There will never be a visual novel like DR. For better or for worse.

The looter shooter. Despite the level cap being guarded by a paywall or being too grindy or too easy, it's my favorite time waster. Can't go wrong with it. On the ending of my second playthrough. Probably going to do the last difficulty and see that guy die all over again.

edit: finished.
motherfucked deserved it. time for ultimate vault hunter.

For the time being, I can't get much from this game. It's beautiful, the game is great, combat is solid. Something inside of me keeps me from liking and playing for hours. But I swear it's good for anyone else.

From time to time, I go back to this short 10 minute experience and purposely fail. So then, the girl can feel anything besides dread. Disappointment and resentment may help her.

Look at this wretched beast and tell me there is a god.