Gruel's Action Games List

I play a lot of games, most of them are 3D action games, so I've assembled a list of my favorites. I've included my own rogue picks just to throw you for a loop. Tried limiting it to just 3D games, or else a shit-ton of Treasure games would be on here, but surely you already know to play those!! This isn't definitive just me listing games that I love casually turning on to get my fix of Punching And Or Slashing Dudes.

The best combat system From has designed, the battles are fierce and the clanging of swords just sounds perfect. Let down by some stupid decisions (spirit emblems are a waste of fucking time) and boss fights (blazing bull is asinine) it's highs are so high you don't even notice them.
I think the OG has the most pure experience of the DMC series, while maintaining style and atmosphere. Plus, Ifrit might have the chunkiest, most satisfying on-hit sound effects in a game.
I haven't played this one, but people I respect tell me this actually does have a pretty intense combat system, so I am putting my gamer integrity on the line putting it here.
Haha just joking. Just making sure you're still paying attention.
I am actually not that crazy about DMC3. I think it's a little long in the tooth, has some of the worst enemies I've ever fought, and some stupid fucking boss fights. BUT, when it's good it's very good! Dante's moveset is deep and bursting with character, and the Vergil fights really are kind of the peak of this genre.
It would be criminal to leave this off a list like this.
The Nioh formula perfected into one of the deepest action games I've ever played. So much customization and experimentation to be had against fucking vicious enemies. Great stuff all around.
The worst way to play Ninja Gaiden is still really good!! The bloom looks like shit and Ryu looks like he is wearing a metal diaper, and the compromises towards "How action games should be made" is artistically vacant, but fuck Ninja Gaiden kicks so much ass.
C'mon my ass wasn't putting anything but this at top spot. It's fantastic.
The only game willing to throw absolutely fucking everything at you at all times, there is never a break from the relentlessness. This is the one I play the least, not because it's bad, but because it's genuinely exhausting. Few games have that!
I love the emphasis more on quick precision than extended combos, and it has a tasty drum'n'bass soundtrack.


I will concede a lot here doesn't work, but what does work is so good you wish they had spent more time making it the focus of this game. Alas.
Debated on putting an Onimusha game here, but damn it is very satisfying and really fucking HARD.


1 year ago

Hot Take here but I really don't think God Hand is very good. I always felt it was amusing for how over the top it was but as an actual game it was kinda mediocre.
Respect for putting Nioh 2 so high. If I were to include ARPGs in my action game ranking thing it'd be top 3 or 4 for sure.

1 year ago

i almost put Nioh 1 just for being such a killer foundation, but I worried about being a team ninja fanboy lol. Nioh 2 is fucking excellent, would be the best if it had NGB's hardline focus.

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