my favourite voice performances

inspired by this list

limiting myself to one performance per game because otherwise i'm just gonna list every performance in this of these games lol

among a stellar voice cast, John Eric Bentley as Barret consistently nails both emotional and comedic scenes, making the character a shining light where he wasn't particularly notable in the original game.
is it fair to say David Hayter as Snake is one of the most iconic video game voices? him being replaced for v is maybe the most tragic thing to happen to that game.
Lori Alan as The Boss. while looking up mgs3 i found out that she also voiced pearl from spongebob - what range!
Troy Baker as Joel is, i think, is a make-or-break element of the emotional core of this game. from the drastic change from the end of the prologue to twenty years later, to the final scene of the game, the way joel's voice shifts throughout the game is one of the only windows into the soul of a man who hides so much of himself.
Ashley Johnson as Ellie is probably my favourite performance, period. she is phenomenal in the first game as well, but the volatile nature of part ii gives her even more opportunities to show her range.
Ellen McLain as G.L.A.D.O.S. need i say more?
there are only a couple of voices in doom, so it's lucky that Darin De Paul is so great as Samuel Hayden.
without fail, every time i think of a cowboy voice, i think of Roger Clark as Arthur. just the quintessential "slightly stupid, but with a good heart" voice to me

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1 month ago

had a lot of turmoil over whether to include hellena taylor as bayonetta due to how messy her whole deal is... beyond the whole "liar" thing i don't like how unclear it is whether she's a terf or not, and she is definitely pro-cop...

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