absolutely one of the coolest uses of the DS as a medium, possibly ever. why did they port this to anything else

i hate this fucking game so god damn much

amazing aesthetic. it needed WAY more runtime to figure out what it's about. i hope the devs do more with this concept

can i fucking pay money for this please?

only main game. didnt finish hacker's memory. unbelievably charming game, i really like what it does with the IP. localization is hot garbage in a really funny way. the eaters are sexy

game made in a lab to cause the most discourse and fandom infighting possible. it's got a good gameplay loop and is extremely memorable but whenever i think about it i get pissed off. cant wait for da 4

who knew that bolting a jrpg on top of minecraft makes a good game

tlj/dreamfall are like goat for me. i wish i liked this one :/

imma be real with you chief! no idea what people see in this one. i like the character designs except for balthier's stupid rubiks cube. gambits are a cool system. the rest of the game was a whole ton of nothing

prob my favorite setting in a ff game. i think this one is really underrated and most of the complaints about it are unfounded. best party dynamic in a jrpg imo

slightly-better-than-average jrpg story with some truly bad politics going on as well as an unmatched life-destroying addictive potential. much like with world of warcraft, there will someday be a reckoning when people realize how harmful this game is to them and their loved ones

you know how people act with dark souls? where they pour over every item description and environmental detail to figure out the story of the game? yeah that's me with final fantasy xv

black eagles: crimson flower. it's ok