A fantastic challenge, more games should have time limits. Will definitely replay this one and try out the others in the future.

Very fun, and not too long. A few sections are a bit tedious, and wish there was more stealth parts. Some good challenge in the one, will continue the series and try out the GC version next time

Excellente, a quick, painless and light hearted RPG. Great pacing with memorable moments. Maybe a little too easy but a fulfilling experience overall. Will be playing thousand year door sometime soon.

A complete classic, everyone should try this at least once. This is the gold standard for 3D platformers.

I recommend plaything this couch CO-OP (3-4 can be a bit much but fun for a level or two). A great game to play with a friend all the way through. Not too long and a good amount of challenge throughout.

Solid game with legitimate scary moments, not too long, a fairly good challenge with good fighting mechanics. Looking forward to the second one.

Gotta love the lore to enjoy this one. Fast paced hack and slash with interesting level up and combat mechanics. Not a huge fan of the hack and slash action genre but this is quick and enjoyable.

A nice little game, short, sweet and to the point.

Anyone who is a fan of the genre will need to play this at least once. Will definitely play through this one again in the future.

This is LONG but very much worth it. Characters, theme, music, combat, story.. all fantastic.

Holy balls this game is fun. Gonna play this with my kids when they get older.

Holy hell this game is fun, really nothing quite like it. Unique strategy with AI controlled heroes that do what they want. Charming art, music, characters, a truly classic PC that I always revisit every few years.

The best total war game, not even close. The DLC spam is annoying but worth getting when on sale.

Early and mid game are a blast, late game can be a slog but still enjoyable. This one is worth playing multiplayer with a couple of friends.

Goddamn this is hard but incredibly satisfying once you get your party off the ground. Fantastic strategy with endless replay ability, could spend hundreds of hours on this one.