27 Reviews liked by hunterbatts12

Good piloting and ideas but no man can live on empty planets

Theres nothing but i wanna bang the tower lady

The soundtrack stays on in the sheets or the streets

Couldn't even add basic PvE so all I can say is nah

Pumped poop all over my citizens, should've paid my taxes and not complained

Sometimes I just walk around and think about jorking to the fish lady

Great campaign, Great characters, also felt like i learned every nook and cranny of Los Angeles better here than I would in Geoguessr

I was too smart for the puzzles

This game could be fun but basic content is locked behind dlc which should be a crime. (also current total dlc prices combined: ~1300)

Great start to series but has the color pallete of brown and gray

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Metal as fuck, you can cut a worms heart out

Great game, kinda gay if you play with a dude

Tee Hee, girl hanging from the ceiling

I can't play fighting games for the life of me but some of these girls bad as HELL