
Parker's Top 10 Games of All-Time.
Last updated: 12/13/2023.

"Lastly, waging war against good people is bad for the soul. This may not seem important to you now, but it's the most important thing I've said."
"Goodbye, sun. Goodbye, sea. Goodbye."
"W-w-what are you doing?"
"Killing monsters."
"I am thou, thou art I... Thou hast turned a vow into a blood oath."
"Swap meat for chrome, live a BD fantasy, whatever, but at the end of it all, it's the code you live by that defines who you are."
"The sun shall outlive me, and this cindered world, too."
"If I'm able to wipe out all the despair on this island, will I...? Will I become...the Ultimate Hope?"
"Honorable intentions. Well-made plans. And yes, love. All drowning in the blood you’ve spilled."
"And so the First Dragonborn meets the Last Dragonborn at the summit of Apocrypha."


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