As a video game, this game is pretty bad, but it was my first introduction to shooters and has a great community. I feel as if i never wasted time on this game since I made so many memories playing with friends. Gunplay is one of the best of any game ant the game looks pretty good

The movement is perfect and both playing as a titan and pilot is fun. The game of cat and mouse between the two types of gameplay is great. The campaign is fun and uses some cool mechanics. Guns feel good as well. The best movement shooter of all time

Taken King but worse. Meta was ok and nothing was too bad.

Incredible art style, premise and execution of the concept. Almost never feels as if I've been cheated or robbed of a win.

The best zombies of all time and a multiplayer that made me not hate exo-suits. The campaign sucks though

Fun game with lots of potential. If there were more players online it would be even better. The music and art style are super unique

An actual good challenge with good utilization of the games mechanics.

This game was to easy. I didn't even over level and I still never lost a single fight. The plot was obvious and predictable, but at least some of the characters looked good

The controls are bad, which is expected from a ps2 game. The scale is cool but getting lost is easy and can be frustrating

It feels like its cool, but I don't enjoy the characters as much as smash and the attacks don't feel special. Moves like shine in smash have identity but there are very few if any that have that in this game.

Good video game, I'm just bad at it.

Amazing platformer. Perfect in basically every way

Movement feels better, but the story isn't as fun without a good villain.

Best story in a looter shooter and somehow the funniest. The guns and movement don't feel the best compared to other games, buts its still great.