i got the true ending by accident

i'm sorry i got this game just for Killer

this is the only FF game I've ever cared for

this was the first Animal Crossing game I got to play as a kid. Marina moved into my first town and became my favourite, and then my little sis Deleted My Save just to make her own town.
my favourite thing about the game was pushing villagers together to make them have conversations with each other.

this game tortures the player with an overly-detailed mole tunnel.

you get to be a goose and cause trouble around a sleepy village. what more do you need?

I thank a certain NPC every time they kick my ass at the dojo

literally all i remember about this game is this:
"why are you crying?"

you can play as a dog, a skeleton, a Tree,
you can cultivate an army of Birds,
it's like three dollars on Steam

the character models aged very well for an original xbox release, and the story had a very promising start. i only wish the plot could have stayed on the "what's good vs what's right" theme the whole way through though.

the game looks pretty, the characters are pretty, and the voice acting is excellent.

but given i drove myself to beat the main story out of spite, i think the game wasn't for me. i couldn't master the combat system, i was annoyed with how the skits were done visually, they overhauled the Party AI for the worse, and i forgot there was even background music. not to mention, the most powerful artes and skill trees are locked behind paid DLC.
i also had the rotten luck of the game just randomly softlocking every 2-3 battles, at the time i played it. i don't know if that issue has been fixed or not.

i wish i could forget i played this game at all, but unfortunately for me, the name Balseph Erwolsey Teldilys will haunt me until the day i crumble to ashes.

incredible music and visuals, but I feel there were a lot of weird decisions (writing and mechanics wise) made in the dev room when they were making this game.

it's an otherwise tolerable entry in the Paper Mario series, but you could not pay me to play through Shy Guys Finish Last ever again.

play this with a friend if you can!