Dont think waiting the 9 years whatever was worth it but still a fun play. kinda short tho.

not going for the plat

I prefer the original sorta but its still a great adventure

not as good as 2 but still really good

One of the better sonic games.

just not the biggest jazz fan and working on the 100%

used to be a lot of fun, but now it sucks so womp womp

I see the appeal but so so boring for me. I love the crossovers and thing theyre cool just hate playing and watching this game

Love everything about this game.

Working on this plat but having fun so far

Might pick it up later but one of the best survival games that came out recently

love the game and the show so had a lot of fun. Plat was easy BUT can be very frustrating since there's a lot of ways to miss achievements

For a shooter its one of the best out there atm.

Just shitty community and not the most fun