The first 80% of the game is a truly impressive experience, while the last 20% seems like they had a week to wrap the game up. At the end of the game, the main character learns the most ultimatest evil-destroying move in a span of 20 seconds, and you're sent off to defeat the ultimate evil. There was no real trial, no obstacle to overcome, no training period, nothing that actually would make sense. It just kinda happens. And then you can go end the video game if you want to.

Dragon Quest games are always about the chosen hero having to defeat dark death evil magicians or evil dragon lords, which is a big pill to swallow. It takes a lot of effort every time I play one of these games to just not shut it off out of pure contempt for the story telling.

I have yet to play DQ7, but this game honestly feels like the best Dragon Quest has ever been, and it still came up short.

All that being said, I'd still recommend it for JRPG fans. I think the progression system and combat system are very enjoyable, the story is interesting, and I actually liked a few of the characters in the title.

The only Tales game I really have fond memories of. Very memorable soundtrack. I still prefer this 2D combat to the 3D action combat of modern Tales games. Never beat it, but I've gotten close a few times.

Yet another Tales game with shitty characters that I hate.

The more I played this, the dumber the story got. I somehow got to the very end, but couldn't bring myself to beat it.

People kept telling me the combat gets fun at some point, but I lost interest before getting there I guess. The little bit of the story I experienced wasn't the worst thing ever. High praise for a Tales game.

Combat is spamming buttons while the screen flashes and people yell. The premise of the story sounds like a child wrote it. All the characters are trash. Tales sucks.

Impossible to stomach the corny dialogue. Tales combat is always trash. Just a terrible experience all around.

Too dated to really enjoy. Possibly too dated when it came out.

Though The Legend of Dragoon is one of my favorite JRPGs of all time, it hasn't aged well. In fact, it's not that it hasn't aged well... I don't think it was ever particularly great.

Combat is great, story is terrible, writing is bad in general. Characters are mostly good.

Despite having the worst voice acting in any video game ever produced by human minds, the story and gameplay are very enjoyable. It has a very unique ATB-style combat system where hitting an enemy can either delay its turn or cancel its turn depending on what type of attack you use and when you use it. It's incredibly satisfying to master, as you can reach a point where you can defeat a boss without it getting a single turn.

I never managed to beat it, but I probably will eventually.

Hasn't really aged well, but at the time it was pretty amazing.

With the release of Kingdom Hearts 3, I tried to prep for it by making sure I played all of the past KH games. I didn't even get a few hours into Kingdom Hearts before utterly losing interest.

All you really need to know is that in Kingdom Hearts, every major character has 11 different identities. Some of them are parts of the character that are separated from the whole, and some of them are parts that are combined with another character's parts.

The writing is also just terrible and not worth your time.

Chrono Cross simply has one of the most convoluted plots of all time.

I distinctly recall playing this game as a child and not understanding what was going on beyond the weird dimensional travel and body swapping.

After playing it again as an adult, I can tell why I don't remember any of the story details.

Playing this as an adult was a very sad experience. The story is too stupid to overlook, and the presentation is strangely cinematic to the point of seeming experimental. I really felt like this game was partly an attempt at making a movie.

Regardless, it's totally unenjoyable beyond the first few hours. Once the novelty of the combat wears off, the only thing carrying your interest is going to be the narrative, and the narrative is like a scifi novel written by a 12 year old.

Embarrassingly bad attempt in all regards.

The visual novel elements are a joke due to the pathetic writing, with most of the sequences just being a repeat of the same conversation. But I guess they really need you to know that one character is a dick to his digimon, or that other character is mentally ill. I mean, how can you tell if they don't show you that 50k times in a row?

The SRPG elements are whatever. It offers no difficulty whatsoever, and later battles are honestly just annoyingly time consuming. Capturing digimon is not enjoyable at all.

I played for about 15 hours before realizing I was being insulted and put it on the shelf.

You also can't get the true ending without playing twice, so the devs can fuck off.