Confusing title aside, this is Super Mario World as you remember it..... mostly. I played a color restoration hack which improves the washed-out colors of the original GBA release. The OST also takes a hit, with less quality in the audio's fidelity and some songs sounding a little off, such as the Underground theme. The voice acting can also be a little grating at times, especially if a particular section is giving you trouble. All this aside, this is still Super Mario World, which is still an amazing game.

Great little time-waster with one of the best soundtracks on the GameBoy and a surprising amount of depth for its simple premise. Latter worlds can get a bit frustrating until you figure out how to juggle Kirby around, but overall the difficulty curve is pretty smooth and nothing becomes too frustrating.

Wanted to start Final Fantasy from the beginning, and figured I'd ease myself in by playing this version instead of the original on the NES. Despite having a simple story, this remake was a lot of fun to play. A pretty comfortable time barring a few bosses, with an amazing remixed soundtrack and beautiful overhauled graphics.

Underrated run 'n gun that's challenging without being too overbearing. A great soundtrack and kickass soundtrack help accent the action, and strategizing between your three weapons is essential. Use the level select code to "save" your progress.

Short and simple game with detailed graphics, catchy music, and a tight control scheme. Good to kill a couple of hours with

For my money, the best Game Gear Sonic title. Very detailed graphics, cutscenes between zones, catchy music and solid controls make it feel like the "Sonic 3" of the handheld entries.

A decent entry in the series - good graphics for the time and refines a lot of aspects that were flawed from the original, such as save and recharge stations. However, barring a few tracks, the music is mostly ambient bleeps and bloops, and the gameplay can get pretty repetitive by the end of it all.

So far this hack has been amazing. A love letter to both 4chan as well as video games in general, with many levels accurately recreating the aesthetics or mechanics of other games. The difficultly level is a bit all over the place though.

One of the best Pokemon games released. Great soundtrack, entertaining NPCs, and a decent story for a Pokemon game.

One of the best Pokemon games I've played despite being fanmade. The sprite work for all of the designs is consistently well done and hilarious, and all of the Pokemon are designed to have at least decent stats and move pools. The routes are true gauntlets full of plenty of trainers to keep your team in shape. The added quality-of-life improvements, such as the EXP share and revisions to HMs, all make the game feel very fair, despite its steep difficulty curve. It will test you in a way no official game does, but it is completely doable and well worth the time.

Great Mario game on the Game Boy with tight controls, catchy music, and a unique set of worlds to explore. It's a little on the short side but makes for a fun couple of evenings.

One of the best games on the NES. Great beat 'em up with light RPG mechanics that is surprisingly pretty manageable in terms of difficulty.

One of the best Kirby games out there. Typical of other 2.5D entires in this era, but with a shocking story, wonderful world to explore, and a hard-as-shit True Arena.

A great return to form for the WarioWare series. This is basically a spiritual successor to Smooth Moves and fills those shoes very well by using the Joy-Cons to their fullest ability. A lot less content than Get It Together and Gold, but right in line with the rest of the more gimmick-centered entries of the series.

Super comfy game with a GOAT soundtrack, beautiful environments, and amazing controls. A smooth difficulty curve keeps it from overstaying its welcome and makes it a blast to come back to.