i can't beat the fuckass dog

peak fiction when you're 10 and you need something to do with your cousin and grandma really only has like this and checkers

accidentally opening up the explorer menu is the equivalent of stumbling upon 200 siofra rivers i cant deal with this shit

gambling-addiction genre meets actual gambling

it's like 2% fun and 98% sauce

ANY amount of input lag drops this shit below a 1/10 experience
i guess mega man games are probably good i wouldn't fucking know

the first go fuck yourself type game

i got Ending W'd ~45 minutes into all 3 routes which im pretty sure now is a bug but it pissed me off so severely that im still dropping half a point

what if we designed it like shit this time

greetings neurodivergent community

i will be there no matter what

the wii sports killer (has over 2 good games)

weirdly relaxing and trance-like at first, but by chapter 6 the repetition started to make me nauseous and the soundtrack put me so on-edge that i couldn't fall asleep. literal health hazard

attempting to control the cruise bubble with any amount of precision feels like trying to will your limbs awake before paralysis sets in

applies doubly to every fucking slide