Fun casual game. No stakes. Great with friends.

Platinum #24

Phenomenal set-pieces. Story fits into the Star Wars universe well with several new and interesting characters to boot. Map design is lacking, especially noticeable in endgame. No fast travel is a killer for enjoyment.


Platinum #23

The perfect companion for a Mac DeMarco binge.

One of the games of the generation

Spectacular story, spectacular characters, spectacular world.

Batshit. Nanomachines and n amount of slicing options.

the best thing about spider-man is that it feels like spider-man.

I had never even heard of The Witcher before I played this. Incredible.

Cultural juggernaut. Always fun to play but I can never get hooked.

We respect batshit storytelling.

Sons of Liberty 4.5/5
Snake Eater 5/5

Platinum #22

Too short. Great fun though.