36 Reviews liked by jebek264

I just love epilepsy okay

Immersive and beautiful world. Combat was kinda fun actually, even as simple as it is. The plot was the biggest downsize, totally uninspired.

I fell in love with Final Fantasy XV and I hope it doesn't make me weird.

Time travel time stop time powers

Watch Dr. Darling dancing Dynamite while you are in a crazy alternative dimension hotel greatly resumes this masterpiece.

Hella immersive with great epic moments and characters.

Extremely satisfactory to play

Calmly traveling in a boat while Kerry sings a beautiful song is everything to me.

One of the only games that really gave me an existential crisis. Absolut one of the best ost I have ever heard

will i ever beat this game, idk

Just a fun time all around. Mercenaries mode became addictive and finally hitting high ranks was very satisfying. It's like a puzzle breaking down the best way to tackle those stages. Platinumed.

Loved the goofy tone of the dialogue choices which seems at odds with the genuinely scary and oppresssive earthquakes and collapsing buildings, but it somehow works.

Load times were bad, even on an SSD and it would've been nice if the game warned me that I was missing some sidequests before moving on to the next area.

The overall feels like a 12 hour long Yakuza side quest with bizarre slapstick humour.

Really fun and short game with big boba lady