I really think I just don't enjoy BR as a genre. Especially when the game takes itself incredibly seriously and the only way to have fun is to win. I guess I'm just not competitive enough to enjoy Apex Legends.

Fast, fluid, and full of style. It has enough depth for experts while being simple enough and boasting an incredible tutorial system for newer players.
It also features my baby boy Faust.

Weakest entry in the series up to now. I much prefer the mission structure of the original DS games, but I would also take Unlimited over this one any day, even if this is essentially the same as Unlimited but with DC superheroes.

Le retro indie platformer with NES-style presentation is an extremely overdone trope today, and that's thanks to Shovel Knight perfecting it back in 2014. Gameplay is as good as the old school kings of the genre, the artstyle is not used as a crutch for lack of talent like some of it's contemporaries, and four separate campaigns plus (an admittedly underwhelming but technically fine) PvP mode makes this about as good as it possibly could be.

I keep trying to give the game a fair shot but I'm so utterly bored by every single aspect that I can't bring myself to get past the first few hours.

Maybe it's because I don't own a VR headset, maybe I'm just the stupidest human being alive, or maybe the UI is just poorly designed. Either way, I cannot figure out how to navigate. Even something as simple as joining the world my friends are in is so hopelessly complicated that I'd rather not even bother.

Best one in the series. Most customization possible, tons of things to do. It would be perfect if the performance wasn't regularly atrocious without mods.
Don't buy the game nor any of the (way too many) DLCs at full price. All of it individually goes down to about $5 often enough, and only a few of the EPs are worth grabbing (pets and late night are great, supernatural and into the future not so much).

I miss Overwatch.
Bought the game shortly after launch. Before competitive mode, Ana, and the first event. Played the game religiously for a long time. They really had something special, but so many baffling decisions from a content and balance perspective slowly bled the game dry of almost all the fun and charm.
OWL was a mistake. Overwatch is best as a casual-competitive shooter with friends. It's an awful spectator sport and trying to make it into one has directly and negatively impacted the game.

The biggest draw are the champions themselves and the world of Runeterra. It's all so cool and I can't wait to see what happens next to them.

The thing is, the game isn't actually that bad. Most of the champions are designed well and fun to play as. There's incredible variety with how matches can turn out that no two matches will ever play out exactly the same despite there being only one map and a somewhat rigid meta of what champions go into which role.

It's just so incredibly draining. Matches go on forever, it's often impossible to come back from an early disadvantage, and the players take the game so seriously (because the game takes itself so seriously) that it turns everyone into raging man children. A team game where you have to work with four strangers with limited communication in a high-stake competitive environment is a flawed concept.

I'll happily play with my friends who I know will not stress about the game like their life depends on it, but the intended way of playing: solo queue competitive, is so atrocious that I just can't take it.

Playing Roblox today as someone who played a decade ago feels like speaking to a grandparent with alzheimer's. It's technically them, but you still miss them.

My friend introduced me to Roblox in fifth grade, 2011. It was neat to see all these make-shift games made by whoever. I've definitely spent hundreds of hours throughout my tween years doing basically nothing, and it was great.
Seeing what Roblox has turned into just makes me sad. It's so corporate. Games are made by giant organized teams, it's just not the same how I remember it (I think kids today would call me a boomer even though I'm in my early 20s).
There's also a weird stock market thing for virtual items? Considering Roblox is aimed entirely at a child demographic, this feels incredibly shady in a way that Steam market and even fucking NFTs don't (I'm not endorsing NFTs at all but at least they're exploiting adults instead of children).

To me, Roblox shut down around 2015, give or take a year.

I fell into and out of love with this game a lot. Today I respect it a healthy amount. I enjoy relaxing with my friends and appreciate everything it does well.

The best version of one of the best games of all time. Easy recommend to anyone and everyone.

It was neat for it's time but there's really not much to it.

This was such a cool feature, it's understandable that the Switch dropped it but it's still a shame.