I couldn't really get too far into it before losing interest, but I can tell if you're a fan of the original this is an amazing remake.

Once again Atlus strikes out with me lol

Big fan of the first Outlast, second game not so much, this game honestly is kinda meh, enemies like to camp objectives non stop, pretty lackluster.

I never want to hear this game mentioned in the same breath as FFX again please, thankyou

It's a great game, but not a masterpiece. Rebirth I think has a good chance of going their but half of the level design in this game is pretty bad. Party AI for the most part is braindead, not asking them to carry just you know atleast try to build your bar up. And honestly has some of the weaker end game optional bosses of any FF I've played. Music is incredible though and the combat I can see going some places amazing in the next game.

Decided to stop after the 200th time I fell

Darksiders would have to be the most mid franchise in gaming.

I can't remember the last time a game dropped off as bad as this game did for me. The first 3 quarters of the game were great. But the Black Throne onwards or the last quarter of the game it just becomes mostly puzzles followed by fetch quests running through areas you've already been through. Not very good.

This one was a surprise for me. I've heard a lot about Automata and eventually played it thought it was good. But I think I prefer every aspect of this game except maybe the combat as far as what you can do with your character.

Love the presentation, as far as gameplay, feels very unbalanced. Overall pretty average but I will give it an extra point for visuals and music.

If you want an excellent game that feels like an updated version of King's Field, this is the game you should be playing. Plus it's super cheap.

Not bad at all just not interesting enough for me to go all the way

Decent I just kind of lost interest after a couple hours

Might of been good if I didn't have to deal with crashes before even finishing the tutorial lol

One of my fav metroidvania's, made even more enjoyable with all the extra modes like randomizer for example. This game gives you a lot of the good stuff from Castlevania SOTN and DOS.