This was my first experience with Street Fighter III and I wasn't terribly keen at the time. It does look great though, and I've since grown fond of them (through the lens of 3rd Strike comparison).

It's fun to see the absurd damage of dragon punches and to see the origin of the series (some decent tunes too!) but it's not a game I'd ever recommend beyond that.

Bought this when working in Germany with the intent of playing SFII tournaments with a load of wee neds but instead we got obsessed with 3rd Strike for the first time. Went online (like, onto the free web browser of the single PC in the hotel's lobby) and learned about buffering moves and parries and overheads and just played Ryu versus Ryu with Jim obsessively.

The version of SFII lets you choose from different iterations of each character but we weren't expert enough to know the differences at the time.

You could also play online but the lag made it very difficult and the few players on there were pretty experienced. It also included the dreadful cartoon.

Really good times. A lot of half chickens and chips were eaten also.

I love this! Ken looks hilarious on the artwork and there's a minigame beneath the main board where you beat up the car. I intend to own this one day though I imagine I'd need to learn repairs

A good GBA port considering the button limitation. Some fun Survival Modes too though my copy glitched out and corrupted the scores.

When I worked in McDonalds we had this set up in the staff room and I (over several shifts) was on a 100+ winstreak so my pal Jim swapped shifts with someone so he could work the same day and beat me. Andy beat me in a match the day before it though; Jim was gutted he got none of the glory.

I love the SNES version of SFII Turbo. I still prefer its crunchy take on the game's music and SFX to the arcade versions.

I don't have as much fondness for this version, and it feels more redundant post-Super Turbo than regular SFII Turbo does somehow. I was never keen on the four new characters back in the day, even if I grew to love Dee Jay by SFIV.

I wasn't keen on this for a long time as I mainly played the SNES version which had a weird freeze (apparently for asset decompression) at round starts. I didn't have a PS1/Saturn of my own and arcades were dead so it was a long time before I grew to appreciate it. I'd like to play it a lot more tbh.

It's definitely the weakest of the Alpha games but it's still definitely fun against pals.

My lasting memory of this is reaching the point where the military finally arrive to save the day but then start shooting at me. I thought it was an absolutely amazing twist but actually the military are always the baddies.

I played this on a PC with a Voodoo 2 card and it was pretty blocky until I switched from Direct3D to OpenGL and it was suddenly the sharpest, smoothest looking videogame I'd ever seen.

I mostly just stroll around catching fish and listening to the music. Got some good friends on this island.

Played through this in a couple of sittings with my wife. Delivers a great cabin-horror experience but I wasn't as invested in the later plot developments. One of our characters died so we said we'd play it again some halloween but never ever did.

Adore this. Turn based battles are always more interesting when there's an action component. Really charming dialog and goofy humour too. I never got on with the later titles in the series as much.

Folk in school paid me £2 to unlock the Invincibility cheat for them. I made almost £5.