Chill game, I like many things it does but ultimately I'd rather be playing Elden Ring. I wish the exploration was more rewarding / less repetitive, and the story/lore doesn't appeal to me very much.
I'll probably try the sequel at some point (when I look up how to set it up on the Steam Deck).

I was 8 when my cousins tricked me into swapping my copy of Grand Theft Auto 1 (PC) for this game.
I regret nothing.

Beaten on the PICO-8 inside of Celeste which awarded me the Steam achievement "Real Gamer" so I guess that's settled.

This game has a dedicated key to fart and burp.

I just liked to grab the tank and blow up cop cars for hours.

I wasted hundreds of hours on this, I wish I had never played it.

Ludwig the Holy Blade soundtrack starts playing

One of the best games for the PS1.
Beautiful aesthetics, cool soundtrack, satisfying gameplay.

I put 150 hours into my first playthrough, where I always felt compelled to explore every corner of this world.

My only complaints are about balancing and some bosses/enemies that get recycled a bit too much:
There were a few times when fighting a boss felt completely out of place when faced once again in an awkward location, ruining the charm that was left from the first experience.

I think it would have been perfect if they had cut some of the fat, making it maybe 10-15% smaller.

Anyway, amazing experience. Even almost at the end, I was still being mind blown by how some hidden/optional areas connect to other different parts of this multi-layered world.

The voice actor of Peppino Spaghetti is the same as Bloodborne's Orphan of Kos

Spooky and atmospheric. I loved the aesthetics, storytelling, and music (Chopin slapped).
Lots of cool references although becoming derivative.

Regarding the gameplay, sometimes I got a bit bored of the loop of picking a literal key to a door to get another key for another door, but many of the puzzles were fun.
I would balance the inventory space to have like 2+ slots or ignore equipped items / separate space for key items. Then it would have been fun to use the in-game camera more.

Also would have loved a Radio quick toggle button to blast Swan Lake on and off at will for dramatic effect.

I would love to play an online multiplayer version of this game.

Cool concept and execution.

I still remember the banger I composed when I was 10

This was the first adventure game I ever owned, and my 2nd title on the PS.

I was 9 so I was kinda scared of it. I remember vividly getting super spooked the first time I saw caskets rising from the ground and zombies popping out to attack me.
Also, I didn't have a memory card and my mother wouldn't let me use the console for more than 1h at a time, so I just replayed the first stage several times until I got to Kensington, where I would get lost and also extra spooked by the dudes with top hats who would resurrect other zombies.

Now that I think of it, wandering around in Victorian Kensington, felt oddly similar to exploring Bloodborne's Yharnam for the first time...

Anyway, eventually, I got a memory card and beat the game a few times. It has a good sense of humor (most of which I didn't get when I was a kid), and it holds a special place in my heart.

Loved this game as a kid but it's kinda mediocre.

Got it from the PS plus subscription, played it with my gf while stoned, drove the tractor down a waterfall and it got stuck there. We laughed but then I uninstalled.