weak and boring but god damn did it start a trend

so SO good, its unique its wacky its zany its paper mario

game fucks like crazy, one of the best vr titles

very colorful and cute, such a good experience

the worst out of the original trilogy

really really boring, i could not get myself to play more than two rounds

still solid for the first 3d mario game

i love getting nailed by every item in the game and ending up in 12th place

this is the sports game. boxing was so fun

both the first and second galaxy games are phenomenal.

besides the bot issue, this game is extremely fun with friends.

fortnite amazes me only because of how i keep coming back to it. the decisions epic has made for this game are the most outlandish shit i have ever seen. removing what made fortnite the game we all know made it ten times better.