games that would be nice to play through in 2024

im not really one to do the whole "priority backlog" type beats since i play things off of either random selection or just what I'm feeling but here's some games that i hopefully will be able to make time for in the new year as i wrap up what im playin this year

everyone says nier is kino so i want to seeno the keeno nawsay
not only is this apparently the fan favorite but ive been playing a crapton of NFS games recently anyways, that shit better continue to 2024
i have a feeling this will get shafted by P3R when that drops but ive owned this forever and still havent gotten around to it
bros ive had this game for years at this point and still havent played it I GOTTA DO IT
managed to grab a copy of this somehow and its like the one xenothing i havent played so fuck gotta do it right
ive heard things about this game but ive heard theres pop punk femnero in it so it cant be all bad right
i did that whole ass 2023 zelda marathon i better be able to play the fanservice game by now
been a while since ive dunked myself into the suda sauce and apparently no more heroes 3 requires prerequisite knowledge of the entire sudaverse so fuck
ive been meaning to finally get around to playing more blazblue, will 2024 be the year where i do it??? (maybe)
vroom vroom car go brrr i got a jailbroken PS4 and still havent played shit on it so its either this or 60 FPS bloodborne and only one of those games is made by evolution studios so point driveclub
really gotta play those last stragglers in the GH/RB series that i missed when i was going through the main series, i want to play the cursed 6 fret game
one of these days i will play this and have a good time. One of these days.
it just looks fun
i can finally jump forward from the original xbox to the xbox 360
i just gotta do it man
ive been playing all these car games and i havent played a singular forza this sin needs to be atoned for
another instance of a remakes release hype cycle making me want to play the original, mans liked trace memory but never got around to the wiiquel
played the first game in 2023 and liked it, my drive to play kyoei toshi pushes me to play the whole series
heard its shit, need to check for myself. how in the ass do you mess up panzer dragoo
bike turismo
oh yeah, i wanna bring cringe back
i must return to the producers office, my idols need me
what the fuck even IS this game I've heard and seen nothing about it despite being made by harmonix and its a fuckin kinect title??? don't even tell me what this is i wanna go in blind and just see what the fuck its cooking
ive heard this game is cracked, gotta see why
i played this for like 5 minutes babbling words to a robot girl like a baby and god dammit do i want to see it through now
this shits gonna be a 5 star when i eventually get around to playing it, GA can do no wrong

i just gotta actually read through it to do that first


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