22 reviews liked by karlemil

The greatest game of all time and it's stuck on a tablet that has lower specs than my phone

Absolute Delight to play. Tight controls, amazing gameplay loop, nice use of the adaptive triggers, immersive sound, nice story for a roguelike. I was absolutely hooked and still fire it up every once in a while to get in a few rounds.

I was pretty disappointed with this. It has a pretty simple foundation but I think too simple. It might appeal to someone not looking for depth, but once I finished the church's skill tree I realized that there really wasn't all that much content. I feels too barebones and playing it makes me question why aren't I just playing Hades.

insufferable and obnoxious. sanitized to such a point of inoffensiveness it's easier to swallow than air. something i couldn't dream of saying about the series, but here we are.

The most boring musou game i've ever played. Just a truly tiring experience.

Just play 3 ultimate.

honestly pretty bummed with this one. new switch skills and switch skill swap feel pretty worthless and almost every weapon i play just feels better the way i played it in vanilla. new content was doled out much too slowly and hearing that postgame content is at 50 and 100 is baffling to me. already feels thin on content so to put things at such extreme ranks feels like padding. jungle map is a mess and not really fun.

i liked the characters and cinematics and the citadel is maybe my favorite mh map of all time. malzeno owns hard and so does the last boss. maybe my expectations were just set too high from iceborne? i dunno. hopefully patches add more.

If TSA has millions of fans I am one of them. If TSA has ten fans I am one of them. If TSA has only one fan and that is me. If TSA has no fans, that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against TSA, I am against the world.

Very nostalgic for me. It was my first taste of next gen at the time. Those HD snow storms and fiery explosion effects blew my young mind coming from Star Wars Battlefront and Jak and Daxter. The jump from PS2 to PS3 was the last console jump that I think really felt special. Even if the games weren’t all masterpieces, it was still incredibly exciting seeing all these developers push what was possible with the new hardware right out the gate, compared to nowadays where the transition feels more like a formality, and most launch titles are held back by the need to keep them playable on the last generation so as to not hurt the sales numbers.

I’m not going to sugar coat it’s flaws, the story’s nonsensical, the instant harmonizer healing makes it very hard to die, trivializing any challenge, and getting ping ponged between explosions when fighting enemy Vital Suits is annoying as hell. If I were being “objective,” this would be getting a lower score. But the wide open levels, the punchy feedback on shooting things, the forboding, atmospheric setting, the variety of different Akrid and V.S. designs, and that musical score all left an impression on my young mind and hold up on a replay. The multiplayer as well was fun back in the day.