I don't have much to say about this game other than its my #1 in total play time for single player games on Steam.

Amazing on all fronts. Scholar of The First Sin is a neat addition but ultimately not the definitive or intended way to play this game.

I don't care what people say, this game is better than the others and most of the reasons for hating it are made up parroted reasons that don't actually matter.

In all seriousness, this was my first Souls and it admittedly gets kudos just for that. But I'm basing this opinion on the fact that I somehow have more hours on this game than Elden Ring, and it's #2 in most play time for single player games for me. If that's not a sign of having fun I don't know what is.

A bit too much rehashing of old areas, but very fun regardless.

Does some amazing things with the original source material but somewhat held back by a bit of unfortunate level design as well as particular gameplay segments being simply not at all fun.

A solid medium length game with the consideration of its history as a PSP release. I haven't played the original so I can't do any comparisons.

This game has me absolutely torn. I love everything about it except (most) of its gameplay. The highs in this game are some of the highest this franchise's modern peers have seen and the lows are mind numbingly bad. Final Fantasy 16 is not a roleplaying game. It's an action game with some roleplaying elements. Itemization and stats are pretty much meaningless in this game outside of occasionally getting a new weapon with a bigger number. Side quests are generally boring and environment design makes it clear that it was Creative Business Unit III that developed it. Great for MMORPGs, not so great for single player JRPGs. Yet the visuals, themes, and soundtrack all come together in some of the greatest moments ever. Raw emotion and passion comes through and it's clear this was a game made with love. I give credit for experimentation within this franchise, but ultimately I think this game is severely lacking in good and fun gameplay design.

I honestly didn't have fun playing this game. It's got a somewhat neat story and interesting aesthetics as well as a god-tier soundtrack, but unfortunately none of that completely makes up for how boring the gameplay ultimately is. Press X to awesome at its finest. Decent but very flawed.

My only complaint is some lazy boss designs (copy and paste, but more annoying). Otherwise, an incredible once in a generation game.

A solid game for what it is, but unfortunately feels shockingly half-baked compared to RE2 remake. Not a bad game by any means, but I can't imagine paying full price for this.

The first of the "new" REs I played. Although I wish they differentiated the 2 stories a bit more, it was really fun regardless going through the same areas again as Claire/Leon.

Overall a solid and well-deserved remake. A little bit of lazy boss design here and there but otherwise a great experience.

Unfortunately suffers from traversal stutter MONTHS after its release on PC.

Drags a little bit at the end with the Royal content but ultimately one of the best things I've ever played. A rare 100+ hour game that kept me engaged the entire time.

This game is literally perfect.

Honestly only fun with friends.