An obvious love letter to RE (and Silent Hill apparently), this is probably one of my favorite "indie" games I've played. All I'll say about the story is that it's one of the best depictions of an unreliable narrator I've experienced. The art, soundtrack, and sound design are all very good and have a high level of polish that is honestly crazy good for a production this small. It's a very moody game and I would have finished it in a single sitting if I hadn't started it so late in the day.

The greatest and most important story of in the world of magic in the Nasuverse. There are few visual novels that can come close to the maximizing the medium like this one does. It's practically an anime at certain points. Everything from the music, art, and narrative is 'beautifully woven' into an engaging story that balances some great slice of life with action.

A huge improvement on the original and a really great addition to the base game.

This was an interesting game. You can definitely feel its RPG Maker DNA but as far as art goes its on the higher end of the scale. The game drags a little and some of the more action-y portions aren't all that fun, but the story is pretty intriguing regardless.

This really is one of the most unique games I've ever played. Aside from its gorgeous art style, it has a stand out narrative that remains surprisingly cohesive despite all the context switching. The gameplay portions are a little too easy on the default difficulty, but are otherwise fun and enjoyable sections that offer a lot of room for unique play styles.

Cool game that I had a lot of fun in. The best one for Fashion Souls given that they basically just threw everything into it.

Came as a free CD with my first graphics card for my first gaming PC. So much substance and fun.

This game is confused, and probably shouldn't have been made. It's certainly a fun game at a base level but I don't think it brings much to the table in the grand scheme of the franchise.

By far the best campaign any Call of Duty game has seen. Tons of hours spent on multiplayer and is such a fundamentally fun game down to its core.

This is where it all began and was fresh for its time. The state of affairs at Ubisoft nowadays is sad but this game was incredible. Unfortunately it was sort of downhill from there.

Short and sweet RE game that gets big cool points for running on the 3DS, which I also played it on.

This game is what I think most "open world" games should be: reasonably scoped with quality over quantity. The rare 2nd sequel that somehow is the best game in the series.

Plays great, looks great, sounds great. 4A nailed it with this one.

Gameplay wise it is quite 'alright' and not for me, but I love everything else.