479 Reviews liked by kaz9399

when im in a misogyny competition and my opponent is hideo kojima😨😨

I know I haven't played that many Zelda games in my life, but to me, this has got to be one of the best 3D Zelda games.

It might look a bit ugly compared to other games in the series, and in some areas, it suffers from the usual tedium that traditional Zelda games give me (Especially during temples); but what can I say, this game hooked me and I really enjoyed the whole journey.

A part of me would like to revisit it some day, now having a bit more experience...But another part of me just can't go back to the traditional Zelda formula after experiencing BotW and TotK. If you want to get into Zelda tho, I would say this is a damn good game to start with; way more fun than Ocarina of Time imo, even with motion controls and everything.

Also, midget Midna awoke something in me that I didn't even know I had....

I get why the trans women in my old college loved this one

A rocky start but that combat just gets better and better

rex is an amazing main character who never stops being entertaining and interesting, the combat is pretty simple and wont be difficult, but its really smooth and coherent especially when you are far into the game


Elden Ring, is the nice boy in class, he has all the good grades, he's not particularly ugly, he's cultivated, he'll likely gonna get into a good university once he's gonna graduate, he seems to have no flaws, except one, he's painfully boring in its flawlessness

Demon's Souls on the other hand, he's the bad boy , he's dark, sinister, a bit cringe , he has black hair, he makes barely passable poetry , he smokes marijuana and is involved with several case of high school crime, he always brings a guitar and listen to 21 pilot on his airpods, not the kinda guy you should get interrested in, he looks silly , he looks like a fucking looser, he thinks he's goat, but he's not goat, he's just a piece of shit edgy kids and oh my god I hate this guy, but one day you go to a party

Who did you end up in bed with ? That's right , not fucking ER, he's too good for this, It's DeS, you woke up next morning, and he fucked you and you look past the bed border and your mom is lying on the floor , fucked like she never has been before. Then he wokes up with pancackes, kiss you goodbye and leaves you with a teen pregnancy he's never gonna act upon. But the memory of such an experience will last with you for the rest of your goddamn life

It's like if Netflix made a live-action adaptation of Panty & Stocking. That is not a compliment…

Combat fucks, so that makes up for it I guess.

Why can't you possess Pauline in New Donk City?
IGN: 0/10 - you can't control women.

the top 3 players of the pgrv4 vs the top 3 of epstein’s list who would win

This game was enough to justify my purchase of a Wii U.
Too bad I didn't have any friends...

Compared to the original, Human Revolution hits that Dishonored-esque stealth gameplay sweet spot with a far greater refinement. On the other hand, woof at some of this game's writing. It starts off well enough, but as the revelations start piling on, the narrative falls into the trap of A) being too self-serious and B) going full-on "subtext is for cowards" in a way that evokes a David Cage game. It's a shame, because the game itself is still quite fun to play.

Made all the endings and I still think is one of the best cyberpunk game out there in the market. Adam is a good main character, with an interesting story and opens up the conflict of evolution for the human body and mind.
Something I would gladly replay to finish it 100%. But... for a kill I had not made, I could not get the full pacifist achievement. Still angry about that.

I mean it's cliché but it really is one of the best games of all time.