479 Reviews liked by kaz9399

This is one of the best 2d mario games of all time. All of the new ideas are great and the controls are better than ever. The only negative I can see right now are the boss battles getting repetitive.

Once the credits rolled and I saw the sheer mountain of Nintendo employees credited as "level designers" everything made sense. Creative, but without a voice – or indeed, too many (and I don't mean those god-awful flowers!)

I hate horror games and I hate jumpscares, but it's a testament to how phenomenal this game is that I felt GOOD about being terrified while playing this.

Everyone mentions the zombie dog window jumpscare, or the scene where the first zombie slowly turns around to look at you, but the three scenes that still stand out to me the most all these years after my first playthrough in 2021 were:
The live action FMV with the puppeted zombie dogs. I miss when games would do this kind of stuff and the effects for the dogs still look pretty good. I'd watch the shit out of a 90's-style RE horror movie with practical effects similar to Evil Dead.
The first pre-rendered cutscene with the Hunter was super freaky. Suddenly losing control of Jill, then the erratic camera movements and the old CG visuals unnerved me and made the Hunters very memorable.
Easily my favorite memory with this game, I walked into the billiards room and a giant tarantula dropped from the ceiling and split into like a dozen smaller spiders. It scared me so bad that I genuinely had a nightmare about it after I shut the game off and went to bed. Whenever I felt a brush against my leg, I'd jump because I thought there was a spider crawling on me.

THIS is the kind of horror I want from scary games as opposed to just loud, full-screen jumpscares.

Great game that didn't stick the landing in the end because Square Enix cares more about money than letting Eidos fulfil their vision for this game. Fuck Square Enix.

I'm never taking suggestions from /v/ again.

probably the creepiest silent hill game. i really love the concept of being trapped inside your own apartment, i love the soundtrack, the first half of the game is amazing but once you get eileen with you and have to revisit the same places, it gets really awful.

I'm not really a stealth game enjoyer but damn the narrative of this game is cool af, I can understand when people talk about how groundbreaking and beloved this game is

I did not expect this to be live happily the video game but here we are

A game that focuses more on the story and message than the gameplay, the story and feeling of it is unmatched and I cried several times playing it - the gameplay is unfortunately quite generic and the path to getting all the endings requires you to google “how to get true ending” which includes playing the entire game again with barley any differences a second time. I have yet to check out the anime but I think streamlining this story would make it the best it could be.

I thought it was pretty good, but I think playing the other modern RE games before this kinda hurt my perception. Not being able to skip cutscenes makes this my least favorite RE game to replay (Lucas was funny the first time, the 2 or 3 times after? not really), Ethan feels so glacially slow, the enemies are really boring visually, and the Ship section is maybe the worst final area of any of these games.

But I really like this game's story, and the Baker estate is a really cool location. The bosses, save the last Jack fight, are pretty good imho. Also the End of Zoe DLC was great so I'll finish it on a high note.

Im convinced that RE fans dont really like this game while RE newcomers think it’s fabulous

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It's probably the weakest of the trilogy for me, but it's still a solid starting point for an incredible story.

This is a really fun game that might not be for me idk. I really enjoyed the standard re elements but the insanely large amt of enemies annoyed me more often than was fun for me personally. I did also play this game for the first time on hardcore, but tbf I have experience within and outside of the franchise that I thought would translate. So idk. Overall I did really enjoy the experience, and I'm looking forward to a ng+ playthrough at some point bc I'm hoping it will be easier with all my upgrades, etc.