I remember dropping this game after 2 gyms when it came out. Around the time Pokemon GO came out I picked it back up and liked it just fine. The difficulty is set pretty low and the aesthetics are bland, but Pokemon Y still introduced some cool things. I got pretty into the online before gen 7 came out, and the regional dex is one of the strongest in pokemon. That's more to say compared to let's go and USUM...

Gave it away to a friend cause I didn't care very much after beating it lol

Gamecube disc errors were really frustrating...should give another shot

Would be 5-stars if the aesthetics were more charming like previous titles. Like damn, I can't be the only one who finds humans walking around near Mario to be hella jarring. Looks more like a Sonic hub than Mario. Also, moons don't always feel rewarding.

First zelda I bought and played through as a kid, so I'll cut TP a bit of slack lol

Played through this game like 8 or 9 times shiiiiiet

Great game, but every "Meta" story in gaming feels really schlocky except for I think MGS2

Great game. The non-test chamber stuff in the middle was kinda whatever. They introduce all these new little concepts but the game is still too short to fully develop more of these ideas. Story is mid-tier Pixar film with gimmicky humor. Somewhat overrated but I still really liked the gameplay!

120+ hours, great launch memories. The mediocre story doesn't do too much to hurt how much still blew me away in this game

Still kicking myself that I overlooked this game when it came out....

Entertaining until the shit ending

Not the most filling or smart game out there, but it's easy to pass the time and explore. Great OST and setting

Disappointing compared to Emerald, but still the best 3d pokemon game