19 Reviews liked by kikakuli

Lost interest after 1500 hours, shit game 🙄

I understand why so many people hated this game. It's a lot more ambitious than part 1 and takes way more risks with it's story, and the result is something divisive and a bit inconsistent. I really did love this game despite all that though, and as someone who was going through a lot of mental health issues at the time, seeing this character I related to so much as a younger teenager fall into this downward spiral of self destructive (and obviously just plain destructive) behavior as all her worst fears come crashing down on her hit me in a way that not a lot of other games really do.

One of the better games in the popular and extensive "sad dad" genre
Also all zombie media should use mind control mushrooms from now on, fuck you

Definitely not as "objectively" good as the main trilogy, but the quiet rainy setting and slower pace made it my personal favorite.

this game is total dogshit but it has Bionicles in it 😎

The Toa use their swords as guns and I am not sure how to feel about that

I see a lot of people say this is "a good game, just a bad Fallout game", and I used to agree. But the more I think about Fallout 4, the more I just hate it honestly. It sacrificed so much that made Fallout special and for what? To be another mediocre open world FPS game about collecting loot? Was it really worth all that time and effort to turn this series into something so bland? Fallout 4 isn't "a good game, just a bad Fallout game."
It's a dull, repetitive trend chaser that abandoned every last bit of it's potential.



This is why you should never go to Pennsylvania

I genuinely love the style of this game so much
Also I had a guide open for literally my entire playthrough but yknow how it is

It's pretty fun for a while, but eventually you start to realize how artificial everything is and just kind of lose any motivation to play. I definitely got my money's worth, but I just can't see myself ever revisiting it.

game has lots of pretty robots :)
On a more serious note though, Destiny 2 is a fantastic game for people who are already into it, but the fact that they removed half of the locations and activities (as well as all the seasonal content at the end of each year) makes it impossible to get into now. Some of the best FPS gameplay out there, beautiful art direction and great lore (and an in-game story that's finally catching up in quality), but I just can't recommend it to people who aren't already caught up which is a huge shame.

something something makes you feel like Spider-Man give me reddit karma