31 Reviews liked by kkangoru

Not as good as Hyrule Warriors but still a good entry, even with the over representation of Fates. They changed some gameplay elements like the command screen being a more accurate grid base system compared to Hyrule which made controlling NPCs easier. Weaker Story, weaker characters only due to duplicates but overall I still enjoyed my time.

Pretty good game, story was engaging enough to keep me going but challenging enough to keep me from just speeding on through. The multiplayer can be a mixed bag of really good or piss poor with random disconnects but with Splatoon 3 on the horizon I hope it all improves.

Wasn't my first introduction to Xenoblade, but after my original copy stopped working I got this and restarted. I'm glad I did too. Not only are the graphics better but the QOL changes are a great addition. The story is out of this world and is probably the most emotional I've been in a game ever. It has it's slow and bad parts but the great amazing parts more than make up for it. Combat isn't my cup of tea but I put up with it just for the story alone. Best story of any JRPG out there.

Not as great as it's original and going from DE to this I missed the QOL changes it brought, however that didn't stop me from enjoying this story just as much and even more in certain parts. After the beginning which in my opinion is probably the most boring and worst part of the game and made me drop it at Chapter 4 last time I played. I restarted and played all the way to the ending within a week or two. Once the story picks up it really goes and kept me hooked and kept me going. Probably the fastest I've beaten a JRPG too.

One of the best Zelda games to date. When I think of Zelda, this and Twilight Princess come to mind. I started it so many years ago and finished it around 2016. Finally seeing that ending after so many years almost brought me to tears.

I got this game from Amazon around 2012 and beat it in 2015. This game and Wind Waker are my two favorite entries to the Zelda franchise and I will always remember them fondly, even with their weaker points

The Switch entry isn't the best one but it allowed me to enjoy this game before I had more powerful hardware to enjoy it. It's a great call back to old Sandbox platformers like Mario 64 and Banjo. Bosses were a little challenging at times though.

A great action packed, adventure with a witch, angels and demons. Combat was amazing, story was great, I highly recommend this Platinum classic.

A great sequel to a great game. It's probably even better with the original. A new engaging story with similar but new combat at the same time along with new playable characters. Great sequel thanks to Nintendo saving it from never existing.

This is a good game and a good start of a great franchise, the only reason why I dropped it is just due to a personal fear of the everlasting 30 day timer. If you can get over that I recommend.

Great Visual Novel with amazing stressful gameplay in the Class Trial sections. If you like Ace Attorney I recommend this series of twists and turns, and this is where to start

An amazing follow up introducing new mechanics for everything. Even more twists and even more turns, I recommend this as a must play for the series

This will include both Episode 1 and 2 since they're the entire story. Great World Building. Good graphics even to this day with only lower resolution models and textures being a problem, and an amazing story to wrap it all up. I highly recommend this FPS classic even in this day and age.

This wasn't my first playthough of this game, but it was the one I completed. This game is a storytelling masterpiece without even telling you the whole story, it's all speculation and guesswork. Gameplay is simple but majestic with how it's done. I highly recommend to anyone and everyone. It's a masterpiece deserving it's spot in Video Game History.

This might be an unpopular opinion but this is my favorite Kingdom Hearts game to date with no sign of changing, the combat is simple but the story holds it together for me. The panel system is so unique I wish more games do it it's that good. Okay gameplay, good mechanics, amazing story.