feels a little wrong to review this immediately after playing it for only about an hour but i kind of don't want to put myself through a whole lot more of this. the atmosphere is fantastic, it's fun to control, the visuals are tailor-made for me but i really do kinda feel like this just isn't the right genre to do a no-hit game. maybe it's a skill issue (it's almost definitely a skill issue) but this sort of just feels like moving around for a while until something that you couldn't see touches you from behind and you die. i really feel like a game like this would work so much better if it actually had room for error, even though that essentially goes against the game's primary design aspect. maybe if one day i end up getting good and capable of stringing together multiple minutes of gameplay like all those top players i kept seeing my opinion would change, but as it stands its just so much more fun watching someone else play this than playing it myself.

proudly and shamelessly wears its main influence on its sleeve to the point of using the exact same font, but this never really had quite the same amount of wit and heart as undertale. the humour kinda falls flat half the time and the characters aren't interesting enough to build an attachment for them, especially in such a short amount of time. the story itself isn't bad, and has a very interesting (although hard to grasp) philosophical dimension to it, but it only gets interesting towards the end with an admittedly cool plot twist.

where this game actually rules is with the gameplay. the concept of it is genuinely super cool and fun and the game takes it to interesting places, although it does feel kinda samey the entire time. it's further enhanced by the CRAZY visuals which often aim to disorient the player. that is sometimes overdone, but usually really cool and kinda saves the game in all honesty

addendum: yeah actually i don't really care about this at all anymore. it's fine

what would you do if glover clapped yo girls ass at the club

by level 9 this becomes the most stressful game i have ever played

this game is so exciting that when you go super fast you have to just stand there for like 5 seconds

actually really neat way to do an action game that is secretly a puzzle game and i did enjoy a lot of it, but it's so damn hard it can suck the enjoyment out of it a lot. i quit at the mr sandman fight which is just incomprehensible for me

well what the fuck i'm certainly not finishing that last level. i have many significantly better uses for my time. like removing my fingernails with a rusty spoon one by one and eating them.

wacky boss variety over here. you've got some of the most difficult bosses i've ever fought in a video game, all filled with near-undodgeable attacks and requiring ridiculous levels of mastery of the game's mechanics and incredible skill, but then you've also got a mummy who sleepwalks to you and sorta tries to punch you and when you attack it it farts

the most absurdly tense and cinematic orchestral soundtrack ever made for a puzzle game, but believe me, it's fitting

the game itself is just eh, you sorta just go around and eat stuff, but this is probably the most adorable game ever made. incredible presentation and music. eeeee aaeee ooooo

horrendous at being a video game and amazing at being everything else

yeah it IS a rocky start and a clunky mess but its been a while since a game made me go "this is awesome" out loud this much

(finished episodes 1-3, so the main game)

the gameplay is not too horrid actually but at some point you just realize the level design in this is giving you testicular torsion

(shelved near the end at the toxic tower level. genuinely cant beat that one at all)
definitely an improvement over dkc1 in most aspects, but it cost me my sanity