totally fine for a mobile game but god, at this point i'm so done with games that require you to just watch ads every 2 minutes. my 3rd ad glitched out and couldn't be closed so i couldn't go back to the game and just uninstalled.

An incredible update for an already incredible game. Didn't finish due to having played the original more times than I could count and had other stuff going on but I'm sure I'll go back later. Looks great, performs great, sounds great; no notes.

never heard of this but I kept seeing someone I follow on twitch stream it and every time i went "is this dude really streaming roblox?" watched 30 minutes of it and purchased immediately.

so refreshing to get the enjoyment of a AAA shooter without having to free up 200 GB and upgrading 3 different PC components just to still be plagued with poor optimization issues. the game is 2.1 GB and runs at over 140 frames, even with a massive 255 player match and destructible environments.

especially love the voip comms. no one has been toxic, everyone is just roleplaying, it owns. i love that when you die it auto triggers your mic and you can let out a death gurgle. good fun.

Super fun set of movement tools in this game. Really had a blast seeing a location I just BARELY couldn't get to and then spending like 20 minutes trying the same set of jumps over and over until it's pixel perfect and manage to make it.

The game goes for a very specific look/vibe of n64 platformer and it executes on it exceptionally well. Good music, textures are muddy in just the right way and the models animate just right.

Not a huge fan of the combat. Sometimes struggled to tell when I was colliding with an enemy and something about the lock-on camera just felt... not right, even with the follow option on. The menus are kinda ugly and I wish there had been a map of some sort, or like an item screen with collected/totals in the zone or something. Can't fault it that hard though, menus and maps are hard and I have to assume it's from a solo dev.

Absolutely worth checking out if you like movement heavy platformers. Recommend paying full price too, it's such a good value at only 6 bucks.

Look if I'm going to be honest I would say that I have a negative interest in vtubers. I don't watch them and actively avoid them. I don't know a single person in here outside of the funny dog lady and the White Woman.

But I can't deny the amount of love and passion put into a free game that honestly rivals Vampire Survivors in my eyes. So many characters, so many items and unlocks, a heap of bonus minigame stuff, great art, solid music. I especially love that each character's main weapon is unique to them and they have special unique skills as well. That solves the biggest issue I have with Vampire Survivors where the characters didn't really matter and I all built them the same way, with whatever was OP. Here I have to think more and play to their individual strengths.

I downloaded this on a whim and played it for 8 hours straight and will probably put at least another 30 in, if not more.

One of the better retro royale styled games. Not as good as Tetris 99, better than Pac-man or Mario 35. F-Zero X had a battle royale mode in it anyway, the high octane, violent, boost/energy balance nature of F-Zero fits the genre great! I wish that the races kept going until 1 person was standing, though, instead of ending like a normal race. They add a bunch of obstacles anyway, why not keep amping it up! trailing 1 person on Death Wind for like, 2 and a half minutes for the win would've been super hype. Still, enjoy how they set it up and I like the customization and all of the old comic art in the UI and menus! More F-Zero please!

I feel like Void Strangers releasing earlier this year really spoiled me and I'll never see puzzle games the same way going forward. I do not see why this game is getting so much praise. I don't really know how to say this without sounding like a jackass but I do not understand how this is being called the smartest and best puzzle game of the year when there are NO puzzles. I did not think about my actions ONCE. You move from point A to point B grabbing orbs and using interactables and I felt like I had no agency in the solutions; they were just right in front of me. The art and music are both top notch, creating a tremendous sense of mystery and awe which makes the tedium and banality of the gameplay only sting more. Like I guess if you just want to get blitzed and vibe and sink into the couch and see cool shit as sweeping synth pads wash over you without having to do much, you'll really have a good time? But otherwise I think it's just 3 hours better spent doing anything else.

Incredibly well put together old school RPG with a super slick look, soundtrack, and world. Great first step for people coming from modern action roguleikes wanting to check out what traditional roguelikes are like without having to dive straight into the deep end. I understand that the dev wanted this to be free, but it is of a level of quality that it deserves to be paid for.

Super impressed with this thing visually and stylistically, bummed it just doesn't work. I want to say maybe it's just my setup, but I don't feel latency in ANY other rhythm game I play, and I play a lot. Could not get those just combos to work unless I pressed it before I heard the beat which just defeats the entire purpose. Disappointing.

The best Mario has been in 2D in a while. Not to say that the NSMB series was bad; I actually think those games get a bad rap and are all very solid 2D platformers. But Wonder is just on another level. Super imaginative levels, creative gimmicks, tight and responsive controls, gorgeous art design and fluid animations. It's got everything. I could write a lot about this game but honestly? I really think just looking at it speaks for itself. High quality through and through. No notes.

Came back to this after seeing some kind of big patch/console release. Hadn't touched it in a few years and WOW. This quietly became one of the nicest and well polished arcade rhythm games I've ever played. So much style and charm in every single ounce of it. A rhythm game made by rhythm games fans for rhythm game fans. The only negative I can say is that if you aren't super into electronic music the default soundtrack doesn't offer much else, but it's a PC rhythm game and you can use spinshare for customs.

like it’s not good but I did play through the entire thing it was like a weird baby sensory game I just kept jumping to the right and things happened and then I was told “good job”

now that the servers are stable, game is a blast. i threw an artillery strike down and my friend had one primed and when she got hit by the knock back it fell out of her hand and we both died. closest game that's captured the feeling of l4d in decades.

would this game be better on the ps2 with camera controls, a real lock on, and a dodge button? yeah. yeah it would. but if those missing hurts your enjoyment of the game it's a skill issue this game OWNS HARD. if you love character action games, camp, and can handle a little retro jankiness, you NEED to play this.


the way people were talking about this i guess i was expecting more? pretty fun though, nice little bonus for having to buy yet another wii u port, but i enjoyed it. good music, looked nice, did get frame-y in some spots with bowser.