70 Reviews liked by kvikna

I feel like giving ratings to this is like adding a restaurant menu to Goodreads and reviewing it like: " I wish the prose was better :/ " or " Every word has a meaning! ".

Vale mt mais a pena jogar a sequencia de 2023 aonde você ganha dinheiro de verdade coletando as moedinhas e desviando de trens e obstáculos, cliquem no link no meu perfil pra receberem o bônus do Galopiano.

Fata morgana? Clannad? WHITE ALBUM2? Umineko..?

They've got nothing on this bad boy. Truly the "kino" or whatever the kids call it

"I made a difficulty mod for Sekiro"
"Real difficulty or increasing the boss health bar 5 times?"
"Increasing the boss health bar 5 times"

falava com grupos de amigos há alguns anos que a única forma de transpor um um conjunto de ideias seria através de level design digital, visto que nossos pensamentos não são atrelados a leis físicas ou mesmo lógica direta. a liberdade que uma instalação digital traria pra arte e até para a academia poderia ser extrapolada de maneiras que até expandiriam a nossa consciência, nos ensinando a nos expressar de formas mais próximas à como nossa cabeça funciona. à altura de quando comecei a pensar nessas coisas, ainda eram divagações sobre o futuro - agora elas são experiências do presente.

eu amo o emil e a kaine e o nier e a yonah e o rei de facade e os boss e todos os outros personagens, also vsfd q trilha sonora boa

não importa o botão que você aperta, só o motivo pra apertar. (alternativamente: você não é a música, só o eco)

Backtracking The Game

I tremble thinking about this game. It makes me feel so devastated and exhausted but so enlightened. Dare I call this the best game I’ve ever played

“It’s like I just found something special.”

Take the "Drakengard Review" challenge! Do NOT start your 5 star review with "this is the worst game I've ever played"!

Anyone saying this is soulless are insane

Never played but obligated to give it a 10/10 because of how much enjoyment I get from joining a new MegaTen server, making a joke about how Persona 3 was the first Persona game, turning notifications on my phone, and then shoving it up my ass

back alley white girl fight with @Flee_Fleet goes crazy

I'm going to make a proper way better review for this when I put in 100+ more hours and try out more characters other than my disgusting C-Nanaya RPS you until you cry, but in the meantime.

Raw kino goat swag holy fuck does it feel good to play a fighting game with air footsies that are like, ACTUALLY air footsies. Having so much of the screen that you can control overall is almost overwhelming, balanced by how easy it is to really pick up characters and throw their buttons out. Absolutely mental, would play out of a trash can with my pals any day. I've seen the light.