71 Reviews liked by kvikna

essa porra conseguiu resolver (quase) todos os problemas dessa versão pífia de 3ds, definitivamente é a versão definitiva pra jogar o majora's mas pra quem já zerou OU não jogou antes.
além dos polimentos do 3ds tem os erros grotescos da versão de 3ds consertados (nem todos tbh)
particularmente ainda prefiro a versão de 64 por causa da atmosfera do jogo que esse remake não conseguiu replicar.
tbh tem muita coisa que me incomoda com o clima desse jogo (em particular a lua que nessa versão do jogo ficou patética)
sinceramente o que esse patch falhou em resolver foi problema do remake EM SÍ pois em questão de gameplay o patch resolveu com perfeição.
recomendo pra caralho essa versão pra quem nunca jogou o jogo antes (recomendo jogar a de 64 depois) e PRINCIPALMENTE pra quem já zerou a de 64 antes.

tão feliz quanto ver a sua avó que cuidou de ti desde que você nasceu imóvel numa cama de hospital achando que você e sua mãe são dois completos estranhos que estão ali pra fazer companhia dela em seus ultimos momentos de vida.
ótimo fangame.

eu sinto repulsa de absolutamente todas as 1500+ horas que eu joguei esse jogo MENOS da hora que eu decidi jogar uma partida no começo de 2020 e encontrei com uma das maiores benção diretamente de DEUS chamada NekoSoulBR

if "Avoid this horse ride SCAM in Karachi, Pakistan" was a videogame.

there is literally no way a human wrote this

if you don't understand this game or you find it confusing or weird you probably have no fucking idea about the country/world you live in or you simply lack life experience.

Don't make me say it again...


This review was written before the game released

Backloggd most professional reviewers will play the game for 1 day, rate it, call it objective, and then give professional financial advise to Blizzard.

If you haven't played this game yet, PLEASE read what I have to say here. If you, like me, are one that likes to enter games with as little knowledge of them as possible (apart from the vibe), then you ABSOLUTELY MUSTN'T read any "spoiler-free" review, watch any video about it, or even search for images online.

I will give some spoiler-free reasons to play this game after this, but let me back up my argument (which I guess comes off as very extreme). There is a certain element in this game that most people include in their reviews that is an incredibly huge spoiler that of course feels natural to talk about in the review, but it can ruin the expectations of someone who starts the game. I hate setting the expectations too high for anything either, but I'll say that I was very lucky to not have heard of this certain something before, and that allowed me to experience the most baffling moment in any piece of media ever. So, if you are like me and you like the vibe of this game, play it without reading more reviews, or anything really!

So, now that I'm done with this, I'll list a few spoiler-free elements of one of my favorite games of all time, in no specific order:
- Great difficulty
- The combat system is very nice and fast :)
- Cool art
- The english voice acting is impecable, easily the best one of any videogame I've ever played
- It has my favorite vidya OST as well
- The characters are cool and work very well with the story
- I actually have found the story to be a very enjoyable one, despite what some people say about it


A constant loop of suffering. A world coated in hateful flesh and pain. Cracks permeate the surface. This is the Cruelty Squad world, the CEO mindset. Adapt or die a thousand deaths. 
I was like you, doubtful, jovial, considering this game as “random shitposting” and “overly weird”. I went into this game looking for a laugh. I came out a new man, one who looks the grim reaper in the eyes and makes them a deal. I am a successful man. Look at me in wonder. 
After a brief tutorial where you learn the basics of how to operate this software, this game plunges you into the deep end. You walk up to a tall bright building, the walls looking as though they were constructed in MS Paint. You walk in. Assault. Gunfire. Flashing symbols. Combat cocktail. The guards are inhuman, you only recognize the automatic guns they use to pump you full of lead. You glance at your health bar amidst the chaos– “-15 LIFE”. A countdown begins as you hear the bomb in your skull beeping. In one last flurry you panic and shoot and run, smashing into a vending machine to try and buy yourself a few more seconds, it’s all in vain. The bomb goes off. Divine light severed. Welcome to Cruelty Squad. 
This is the first impression the game grants you. This is the welcome mat. Some may scoff, roll their eyes, and request a refund, like God of War designer David Scott Jaffe in his infamous tweet, a vitriolic tweet that, ironically enough, convinced me to take the same steps he had. Only in my case, I continued stepping forwards. To life. To wealth. To destruction. Divine light severed. Time to traverse the grid of death. 
I won't spoil how your journey goes from this point onwards. Part of the painful bliss of this game is the overwhelming confusion, the feelings of insignificance and disgrace, followed by understanding, acceptance, and profit. Know this, the end is never the end. Go home. Sleep well. Condition yourself. Invest everything you own. Become divine. Eradicate hope. Confront life. See the world. Break the loop of suffering. This is Cruelty Squad.

Uma das experiências mais imersivas que eu já tive com um jogo. Os desenvolvedores fizeram um ótimo trabalho retratando o horror pessoal característico do RPG de mesa. A escrita (relevando a comédia edgy do início dos anos 2000 extremamente datada) é excepcionalmente criativa e orgânica, com inúmeros personagens memoráveis e carismáticos, até os mais secundários. Tive o meu primeiro jogo com o clã Malkavian e não me arrependo nem um pouco, grande parte da minha diversão foi tentando decifrar os foreshadowings presentes nas divagações aparentemente sem sentido do protagonista.

(Nota simbólica). É o jogo da minha vida. Nada foi mais construtivo e seguro na internet durante os meus anos de desenvolvimento. Era tudo que eu tinha e tudo que eu mais amava no mundo... Também é motivo de meu desprezo velado à marca Disney e seus produtos.

é muito melhor do que eu imaginava