this one's pretty good even if sonic team isnt good at 2d level design anymore

added so much good stuff, multiplayer, had a really fun unique story mode, all the additions the course editor are great

but it just doesnt work nearly as well without the gamepad. also taking out the amiibo costumes was dumb

rob and mission mode should really come back in future mario kart games

doesnt need to exist but its still good

i will never forgive konami for not allowing this game to be called mgs5, too many people ignore this game bc of it

I missed the true ending and everything else that came after the first credits because i thought they were just bonus missions. I was very confused when i started ground zeroes

i mean the board game mode was kinda fun a few times

please play this

the level's visual design in this in so desolate yet i want to live in it, feels like something out of a dream

love love love this one

this and robobot are the best games in the whole series

the whole final boss sequence is fantastic

deserves the praise it gets, shovel guy is a funny little fella

god why didnt they make more original stages

I would play this on and off every couple of months but i really should've not taken that long to beat

objectively one of the best/most influential games of all time

zen sucks but its ok. love how story is handled in this

the yearly minecraft server with the boys brings an era of peace that isnt found in other multiplayer games

the same can be said for the destruction, backstabbing, lies and distraught that comes when people turn on each other and destroy the server after

good music too

my favorite wario ware, i think its handling of motion control (different named poses to hold the controller) makes for the best way to control mini games in the whole series. also its the first game to use 3d in the series so it looks even weirder than usual

double it and give it to the next person

there something weird about saying that this is one of the best single player experiences nintendo has ever put out, but ya know its right there. portal + splatoon is good

i cant beat inner agent 3